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Virtual Currency - Alt Coin Discussion Thread Virtual Currency - Alt Coin Discussion Thread

10-01-2017 , 09:01 AM
Originally Posted by Go Get It
Even if that's true why take so many?

Who the **** is gonna deposit in first blood instead of bitcoin?

And they run the risk if someone knows something in the future and loads up on a coin they know is gonna get ****ed and deposit at the right time, knowing the coin is going to go under or get bad news that kills the price.

And, seriously, where can you convert any of those off coins to cash instantly?

Like gdax I guess?
Originally Posted by WiltOnTilt
They are definitely just insta-converting to fiat. Pay 1% or whatever.
they are probably just using the shapeshift api, which is the same list of coins. alts>btc>fiat
Virtual Currency - Alt Coin Discussion Thread Quote
10-01-2017 , 08:50 PM
Anyone else on the ChainLink train?
Virtual Currency - Alt Coin Discussion Thread Quote
10-01-2017 , 08:51 PM
Originally Posted by TheMVP
I'm going to ahead and guess people who own First Blood and want to top up their poker account?

Nobody thinks people will go Fiat>BTC>FirstBlood>ACR just to get funds on the site.

But there will be some people that get the itch to play poker and have various different tokens so why not let them?
I don't care what they take.

The more the better, but from a business standpoint why take such a wide range when it seems probable a lot of those coins could have huge value swings?

Not saying BTC can't, but I would argue 50% of that list will be worth 0 some day.
Virtual Currency - Alt Coin Discussion Thread Quote
10-01-2017 , 09:40 PM
Originally Posted by Go Get It
I don't care what they take.

The more the better, but from a business standpoint why take such a wide range when it seems probable a lot of those coins could have huge value swings?

Not saying BTC can't, but I would argue 50% of that list will be worth 0 some day.
Because, as was said before, they are using the Shapeshift API to insta convert to fiat.
Virtual Currency - Alt Coin Discussion Thread Quote
10-02-2017 , 04:06 AM
Originally Posted by Princess Elsa
Anyone else on the ChainLink train?
seems like you are all over the place with coins.
Personally I only have 5 main coins and some pump and dump coins for the sake of it..

Reason why I have 5 main coins, I can concentrate most of my capital in them.
So when they actually "moon" I can generate a nice profit instead of so so...

Just a headsup, don't waste you time and money and start investing in everything you hear something good about.
In the end, 99% of these coins will go belly up, If you are going to be in allot of coins, you should be day trading and riding waves.

Pick a few coins for long time "HODL!"
Virtual Currency - Alt Coin Discussion Thread Quote
10-02-2017 , 03:44 PM
My personnal top 5 so far:


Okay thats 6 lol. Any thoughts on them?
Virtual Currency - Alt Coin Discussion Thread Quote
10-03-2017 , 07:59 AM
Funfair only altcoin I have. Gambling big industry and growing, want to rival playtech ~2.9bil MC, compared to Funfair 129mil MC. CEO is Jez San, found of , made starfox, been in the industry a LONG time. Have a working product
Most other ICO seem to be young dreamers with good ideas no way to execute plan. This team has lots of experience and been very careful every step of way with regard to law. They can undercut the price to produce games for all the big casinos, sports bet sites, open up more markets to play at.
Virtual Currency - Alt Coin Discussion Thread Quote
10-04-2017 , 05:10 AM
Originally Posted by frankthetank99
My personnal top 5 so far:


Okay thats 6 lol. Any thoughts on them?
ARK, lose it, garbage if you ask me, could be easily replaced if coins integrate the stuff themselves.
SNGLS, I dont see the purpose of blockchain usage in this project.

Get IOTA in there, my personal favorite.
Virtual Currency - Alt Coin Discussion Thread Quote
10-04-2017 , 07:49 AM
Originally Posted by nickjehz
Get IOTA in there, my personal favorite.
IOTA sounds great in almost every way, and it might very well shoot up in the short to mid term. But the consensus algorithm is flawed, so if you're in it for the long term, I wouldn't include it.
Virtual Currency - Alt Coin Discussion Thread Quote
10-04-2017 , 08:36 AM
Originally Posted by Mat Cauthon
IOTA sounds great in almost every way, and it might very well shoot up in the short to mid term. But the consensus algorithm is flawed, so if you're in it for the long term, I wouldn't include it.
let me guess, you read the "article" from Nick Johnson?
Virtual Currency - Alt Coin Discussion Thread Quote
10-04-2017 , 08:55 AM
I linked to discussions of it earlier in the thread, post 1923.
Virtual Currency - Alt Coin Discussion Thread Quote
10-05-2017 , 07:28 AM
Originally Posted by Mat Cauthon
I linked to discussions of it earlier in the thread, post 1923.
I looked up the post and also looked at the forum you linked to, completely useless post.
And don't just take someones ill informed opinion as truth.

1. Comparing IOTA to a Blockchain coin is lol.
2. he states that miners in IOTA don't have incentive, correct, because there are no miners in IOTA...
3. double spending in IOTA?, at this moment a so called "coordinator" is connected preventing this. In the future when enough devices are connected to the tangle this will be prevented due to the full nodes & witnesses process.

watch this video, its basic without technical info but should give a vision.

Don't get me wrong, IOTA is not there and it will take allot time and NO GUARANTEE whatsoever to be a success, I personally believe in the project.
Virtual Currency - Alt Coin Discussion Thread Quote
10-05-2017 , 08:52 AM
Anyone that creates and commits a transaction to the tangle in IOTA mines that transaction. This mining can be optimized with ASICs. With at strong ASIC you can mine a huge part of the tangle without releasing it, then after you have received what you payed for in a transaction, you release that large amount of transactions, double spending that transaction.

Since you're not incentivized to always have your hashing power mining the network, then it's impossible to measure the amount of hidden hash power that could at any time double spend transactions you've received.

"*) Instead of participating in a competition to win the block reward, miners have no positive incentive to participate anymore. They now are left with the negative incentive to try and double spend.
*) Since these miners are not contributing their hashing power to the network anymore, the overall hashrate of the network in unmeasurable, since these miners are quite likely to leave their ASICs in sleep mode until they want to double spend
*) With the network hash rate unmeasurable, there is no way to put an estimate on when it is safe to accept a transaction as confirmed.

When there is no way to estimate when it is safe to accept a transaction as confirmed, that currency is now useless because any transaction can potentially be reversed.

This is why both byteball and iota use trusted third parties to secure the network, but at that point, you might as well be using VISA."
Virtual Currency - Alt Coin Discussion Thread Quote
10-05-2017 , 09:42 AM
you still dont get the tangle enough...
repeating the same stuff wont change it.

With at strong ASIC you can mine a huge part of the tangle without releasing it, then after you have received what you payed for in a transaction, you release that large amount of transactions, double spending that transaction.
This is not relevant and you would understand if you dive in to the IOTA tech/principles.
Virtual Currency - Alt Coin Discussion Thread Quote
10-05-2017 , 10:21 AM
It's a little bit simplified, true, but the general principle applies.
Virtual Currency - Alt Coin Discussion Thread Quote
10-05-2017 , 11:52 AM
not a lot of talk in the crypto community about the history of currency in america. until the crypto explosion, i never really thought about what america did before the dollar was established as the sole US currency.

having read about it a little bit, it's actually really interesting and relevant to the current situation. back in the salad days, everyone and their mom had their own currency. states, municipalities, banks...there were obvious issues that arose from this. just imagine if BoA issued a different version of the dollar than Chase bank. it would be a mess! and that's minor compared to the fiscal mess America was in at that time.

the govt. solved this problem incredibly simply with a 10% tax on transactions with state issued notes. ez game.

the tax wouldn't even need to be 10% for the government to crush crypto currencies. a small tax on every transaction + vigorous regulation of exchanges and real consequences for rule breakers would take the bottom out in two seconds. the altcoins would be gone in .4 seconds.

since the government has not crushed crypto currencies, why haven't they?

- the govt is unaware of the future threat crypto currencies pose to govt control of currency (unlikely)
- crypto currencies are currently too small to cause serious financial instability (much more likely)

what is the type of event that will cause the government to spring into action? i don't know, i'd like the answer to that question.
Virtual Currency - Alt Coin Discussion Thread Quote
10-06-2017 , 04:12 AM
Originally Posted by augie_
not a lot of talk in the crypto community about the history of currency in america. until the crypto explosion, i never really thought about what america did before the dollar was established as the sole US currency.

having read about it a little bit, it's actually really interesting and relevant to the current situation. back in the salad days, everyone and their mom had their own currency. states, municipalities, banks...there were obvious issues that arose from this. just imagine if BoA issued a different version of the dollar than Chase bank. it would be a mess! and that's minor compared to the fiscal mess America was in at that time.

the govt. solved this problem incredibly simply with a 10% tax on transactions with state issued notes. ez game.

the tax wouldn't even need to be 10% for the government to crush crypto currencies. a small tax on every transaction + vigorous regulation of exchanges and real consequences for rule breakers would take the bottom out in two seconds. the altcoins would be gone in .4 seconds.

since the government has not crushed crypto currencies, why haven't they?

- the govt is unaware of the future threat crypto currencies pose to govt control of currency (unlikely)
- crypto currencies are currently too small to cause serious financial instability (much more likely)

what is the type of event that will cause the government to spring into action? i don't know, i'd like the answer to that question.
So lets say the govt. does this, how on earth are they going to enforce this?

They are certainly not unaware of crypto and looking in to ideas to control it.
The beautiful thing is that its hard to regulate and one of the core reasons for crypto is to get rid of 3rd parties like banks and govt.
Virtual Currency - Alt Coin Discussion Thread Quote
10-06-2017 , 10:43 AM
Originally Posted by nickjehz
So lets say the govt. does this, how on earth are they going to enforce this?
to provide an outline let's say there are 4 stages of bitcoinization.

phase 1 (today) - extremely small segment of the population using bitcoin regularly

phase 2 - transition phase where regular people acquire bitcoin and adopt it's use for everyday life

phase 3 - you check out at walmart and the kiosk has two payment options, USD or BTC

phase 4 - you check out at walmart and the kiosk only accepts BTC

what phase 2 would actually look like is a complete mystery. this is the phase where the "hodlers" think they become billionares.

i have no idea why regular people would participate in phase 2. the zealots are counting on a future use or quality for BTC that hasn't been discovered yet which will make it a better option.

but lets pretend this use for BTC is discovered and housewives across america can't wait to pay for their morning starbucks with BTC. how do they acquire it? they must patronize some kind of currency exchange. this is where the government inserts themselves and levies the 10% tax.

i have a very hard time imagining what currently undiscovered reason a random soccer mom will use to pay in bitcoin, but it will need to be a very very good reason to justify paying an extra 10% and waste a bunch of time to ultimately purchase the exact same product.

will soccer mom patronize a shady, off-shore exchange in order to acquire BTC for 10% less to then pay for her starbucks? seems difficult and far fetched.

there's still OTC trades. the equivalent of your local bookie except he's selling BTC instead of taking wagers. well he wants his cut too. and again, i'm still wondering why soccer mom is going through all this trouble to pay for starbucks.

The beautiful thing is that its hard to regulate and one of the core reasons for crypto is to get rid of 3rd parties like banks and govt.
it's not hard to regulate at all. they just aren't doing it right now. it is hard to completely decimate, though, but they don't need to do that. if they keep it small and underground enough that they can easily monitor the entire network, that will be good enough for them.
Virtual Currency - Alt Coin Discussion Thread Quote
10-06-2017 , 03:09 PM
phase 1 (today) - extremely small segment of the population using bitcoin regularly

phase 2 - transition phase where regular people acquire bitcoin and adopt it's use for everyday life

phase 3 - you check out at walmart and the kiosk has two payment options, USD or BTC

phase 4 - you check out at walmart and the kiosk only accepts BTC
You’re missing a whole bunch of steps a a lot of them have already happened.

I can buy a Walmart gift card, at discount, with bitcoin, on my phone in a matter of seconds, and have been able to do this for years.

Crypto infrastructure is way more complex than this and will likely be pioneered in countries that have a much higher demand for the technology.

Bitcoin is already the backbone of the crypto trading exchanges, and black market online drug exchanges. It’s quickly becoming the backbone for the US facing grey market gambling sites.

You act like bitcoin needs to become the one world currency to show any further success. This is a terrible argument. Every industry that crypto takes over is a massive win. If and when they take over entire countries economies it will be an even bigger win.
Virtual Currency - Alt Coin Discussion Thread Quote
10-06-2017 , 05:23 PM
You act like bitcoin needs to become the one world currency to show any further success. This is a terrible argument. Every industry that crypto takes over is a massive win.
no, i've already posted many times that bitcoin is clearly a successful payment option for the underground economy. this is also unstable, and unstable things always eventually crumble.

do you have an example of an industry which has been taken over by crypto and is also legal?

If and when they take over entire countries economies it will be an even bigger win.
ya, definitely. only problem is that countries like controlling their currency. i can see why, can you?
Virtual Currency - Alt Coin Discussion Thread Quote
10-06-2017 , 07:54 PM
I have a friend who has had success trading with Ripple (XRP). Any thoughts on what the future holds for this? Its sitting at 24 cents right now but predictions have it going as high as $2 in 2018.
Virtual Currency - Alt Coin Discussion Thread Quote
10-07-2017 , 10:04 AM
Do your own research and decide. Predictions are useless and oftentimes just someone shilling their own bags.
Virtual Currency - Alt Coin Discussion Thread Quote
10-07-2017 , 04:54 PM
Originally Posted by augie_
no, i've already posted many times that bitcoin is clearly a successful payment option for the underground economy. this is also unstable, and unstable things always eventually crumble.

do you have an example of an industry which has been taken over by crypto and is also legal?
You’re trying to refute my argument with observations that I’m not denying.

You’re also saying that bitcoin is unstable which isn’t true. The value may be somewhat unstable but that’s all relative. Bitcoin as a technology is incredibly stable, more stable than our current banking systems, credit monitoring systems, voting systems, etc.

Unstable things always crumbling also isn’t true. Tons of emerging technologies start out unstable and become entirely new industries.

The truth of the matter is you’ve know about bitcoin longer than people who have made a lot of money off it but you didn’t have the foresight or fortitude to make an investment so you’re morning your loss by attempting to justifying your position.

If anyone is saying crypto investing isn’t risky they are fooling themselves and there are now a ton of scams out there but anytime there is high risk and uncertainty in investing there is often chances for high rewards in emerging markets.

Last edited by rubbrband; 10-07-2017 at 05:02 PM.
Virtual Currency - Alt Coin Discussion Thread Quote
10-07-2017 , 05:00 PM
Scattering strawmen across multiple threads isn’t helpful. Either focus your questions and commments to logically based concise points or you’re just trolling and you should gtfo.
Virtual Currency - Alt Coin Discussion Thread Quote
