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Virtual Currency - Alt Coin Discussion Thread Virtual Currency - Alt Coin Discussion Thread

05-21-2019 , 09:29 AM
IMO there are 3 ways to approach alts.

1. You buy them very cheaply during the ICO and sell them when they pump soon after going public. You've hopefully made some money although perhaps not life-changing. Some of them never pump and you lose.

2. You buy cheaply during the ICO and you hold long term. They may lose value long term but you just keep holding no matter what. You don't care because you got in cheaply. If one moons later on then you've made potentially life-changing money. Most of them will lose long term.

3. Day or swing-trading. You don't care about the coin or token, you just want to make a quick buck and you don't care about the long-term value of the alt, so you pick a volatile coin, for example Raven, and you buy the dips and sell the rips repeatedly.

I'm holding about 18 alts long term. Some of them are up and some are stagnant, some are down but I don't care because I bought them very cheap. If they all go to zero I still don't care because alts represent only about 20% of my crypto investment. 80% of what I have is Bitcoin and Ether and I consider both to be a solid long term investment which has already made way more than I've lost in alts.

I also mine alts. Some I sell and some I hold long term. Mining is a good way to get a variety of alts without spending money (except the power bill of course). I'm currently mining DubaiCoin which is not losing value.
Virtual Currency - Alt Coin Discussion Thread Quote
05-27-2019 , 12:10 AM
Originally Posted by onemoretimes
Alt coins are 100% speculation right now. How hard is it for an alt coin to overtake bitcoin?

Is it similar to saying some other currency is going to overtake the USD? That may even be a bad comparison.
Why are you comparing alt coins to BTC? Ethereum is not competing with BTC, they are doing different things.

You should be asking yourself if these alt coins are contributing to the ecosystem of the block chain. If all existing companies start using block chain, some of these alt coins will suddenly have a lot of work on their hands and I can only imagine they will sky rocket in price.

Take a platform coin like Ethereum, in time when a small country is running on it, can you imagine just how much it will be worth?

Calling it speculation now hmmm, I guess, I mean it always is but with so much development, so many people, so many projects built on top, I don't think it's going anywhere to be honest.
Virtual Currency - Alt Coin Discussion Thread Quote
05-27-2019 , 02:23 AM
Originally Posted by The_Jackal21
Why are you comparing alt coins to BTC? Ethereum is not competing with BTC, they are doing different things.

You should be asking yourself if these alt coins are contributing to the ecosystem of the block chain. If all existing companies start using block chain, some of these alt coins will suddenly have a lot of work on their hands and I can only imagine they will sky rocket in price.

Take a platform coin like Ethereum, in time when a small country is running on it, can you imagine just how much it will be worth?

Calling it speculation now hmmm, I guess, I mean it always is but with so much development, so many people, so many projects built on top, I don't think it's going anywhere to be honest.
Why would a country be running on Ethereum? What does that even mean, and why wouldn't they use a regular database?
Virtual Currency - Alt Coin Discussion Thread Quote
05-27-2019 , 02:34 AM
$14 for a minute on coinbase
Virtual Currency - Alt Coin Discussion Thread Quote
05-27-2019 , 02:59 AM
Originally Posted by Mat Cauthon
Why would a country be running on Ethereum? What does that even mean, and why wouldn't they use a regular database?
Because that way they can't shut themselves down!
Virtual Currency - Alt Coin Discussion Thread Quote
05-27-2019 , 08:20 AM
Originally Posted by The_Jackal21
If all existing companies start using block chain,

so many projects built on top,
lol. 95%+ of existing companies dont need blockchain.
Virtual Currency - Alt Coin Discussion Thread Quote
05-27-2019 , 09:09 PM
EOS crushing?
Virtual Currency - Alt Coin Discussion Thread Quote
05-28-2019 , 03:06 PM
Originally Posted by Go Get It
EOS crushing?
Yes, very nice as I have a few I had forgotten about. Having used EOS though I really think it is way to complicated to be very successful, so I am going to take this opportunity to turn them into bitcoin.

Does anyone here know the easiest way to exchange EOS into bitcoin without having to go through KYC and having to send any form of ID to some shady exchange?
Virtual Currency - Alt Coin Discussion Thread Quote
05-28-2019 , 03:32 PM
Virtual Currency - Alt Coin Discussion Thread Quote
05-28-2019 , 05:22 PM
Originally Posted by gotgot123
lol. 95%+ of existing companies dont need blockchain.
Any company with a database should be using blockchain instead! So 99.9% of existing companies!
Virtual Currency - Alt Coin Discussion Thread Quote
05-28-2019 , 05:23 PM
Originally Posted by Go Get It
EOS crushing?
EOS has a big event in Washington coming up on June 1st, could be why it's pumping, will prob dump after event!
Virtual Currency - Alt Coin Discussion Thread Quote
05-28-2019 , 06:16 PM
Originally Posted by White_Gatsby
EOS has a big event in Washington coming up on June 1st, could be why it's pumping, will prob dump after event!
The creators want to buy back 10% of the coins because they think the future is bright.

Virtual Currency - Alt Coin Discussion Thread Quote
05-28-2019 , 10:59 PM
Originally Posted by White_Gatsby
Any company with a database should be using blockchain instead! So 99.9% of existing companies!
Lmao. No. How shilled up and how big are your bags for you to believe that?
Virtual Currency - Alt Coin Discussion Thread Quote
05-29-2019 , 02:23 AM
You obviously aren't aware of certain use cases. Not all of them involve some random coin going up bc of that use.
Virtual Currency - Alt Coin Discussion Thread Quote
05-29-2019 , 02:27 AM
Originally Posted by Pinkmann
You obviously aren't aware of certain use cases. Not all of them involve some random coin going up bc of that use.
Not sure if serious.

Other than digital scarcity, what is one reason for using a blockchain?
Virtual Currency - Alt Coin Discussion Thread Quote
05-29-2019 , 02:41 AM
try google - 'use cases for blockchain'
Virtual Currency - Alt Coin Discussion Thread Quote
05-29-2019 , 03:33 AM
99% don't need a blockchain over a database. It's not even debatable. Most Companies don't want decentralized systems or censorship resistant features.
Virtual Currency - Alt Coin Discussion Thread Quote
05-29-2019 , 04:12 AM
Originally Posted by Pinkmann
try google - 'use cases for blockchain'
lol I'm aware of all the promoted horse****, none of it ever makes sense in real life
Virtual Currency - Alt Coin Discussion Thread Quote
05-29-2019 , 12:18 PM
Originally Posted by TheMVP
Not sure if serious.

Other than digital scarcity, what is one reason for using a blockchain?
Lmao wat. Within like 10 posts. Two People using opposite extremes which make no **** sense
Virtual Currency - Alt Coin Discussion Thread Quote
05-29-2019 , 12:22 PM
Originally Posted by eddymitchel
99% don't need a blockchain over a database. It's not even debatable. Most Companies don't want decentralized systems or censorship resistant features.
This. But is it need and works well with the other 1%. Yes. 99% maybe too much? But definitely in the 90s

Staggering someone can say every database should be replaced with crypto. Sounds like he's been involved in some shill projects
Virtual Currency - Alt Coin Discussion Thread Quote
05-29-2019 , 02:08 PM
EOS raised $4 billion over a year ago and is used by exactly zero people

Ethereum is 4 years old and has had exactly 2 use cases, crypto kitties (digital scarcity) and ICO funding (digital scarcity + scamming)
Virtual Currency - Alt Coin Discussion Thread Quote
05-29-2019 , 03:13 PM
Originally Posted by TheMVP
EOS raised $4 billion over a year ago and is used by exactly zero people

Ethereum is 4 years old and has had exactly 2 use cases, crypto kitties (digital scarcity) and ICO funding (digital scarcity + scamming)
have you seen all the DeFi products?
Virtual Currency - Alt Coin Discussion Thread Quote
05-29-2019 , 05:54 PM
I'm aware of MKR, from what I've read it can collapse at any second, but I'm no expert so I'll give you that as a 3rd usecase.

I'd still prob rather hold Tether than Dai but I never own either of them.
Virtual Currency - Alt Coin Discussion Thread Quote
05-30-2019 , 04:11 AM
A blockchain is a distributed database. If it's distributed enough, you don't need to rely on a single entity telling you the truth. It also becomes really hard to shut down. There are very few cases where this makes sense for businesses. I'd love to see a couple named.

A blockchain is very inefficient compared to a single database, because you need to make SURE all database in the network are sync'ed or some serious errors could arise. Which database would you trust if a bug splits ~50% of the network? It's also hugely inefficient in terms of speed and efficiency. What business wants to deal with all that **** ?

A use case I've read about is banks. Where they form a private blockchain. Atm they use big clearinghouses to settle interbank transfers, this is costly and inefficient (?). In a private blockchain they can settle between themselves without needing to trust other banks to tell them the truth. But I have no idea if this is viable in practice because of things like privacy and banks obv not willing to show their database to other banks.
Virtual Currency - Alt Coin Discussion Thread Quote
06-07-2019 , 06:58 PM
In LTC at 30 dollars. Got heavy bags of HOT and BTT. Can't wait to see these go to zero or moon over next year. Should probably just sell my LTC before halving right?
Virtual Currency - Alt Coin Discussion Thread Quote
