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Twitter Showing Cracks? Twitter Showing Cracks?

07-26-2023 , 04:36 PM
In fairness it was pretty grim there for a while during Covid.

In Ireland we had 3 long downs. Nobody was speaking up about it at all.

Mask wearing and lockdowns could have been a forever thing. Nobody spoke out about it at all.

Everyone just scared because if they spoke out they would get linched by the woke mob and fired from their job.

We'd still all be locked down for the rest of our lives if the government wanted it. People are just sheep in the end. They were sheep in WW2, they are sheep over in Russia and everyone was a sheep during Covid lockdowns.
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07-26-2023 , 04:48 PM
Here are photos of my old seconady school. How does wearing a nappy in your face 2 feet away from 20 other students in your class stop you getting Covid.

Everyone just a moronic gutless idiot in the end.

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07-26-2023 , 04:50 PM
Originally Posted by Maximus122
In fairness it was pretty grim there for a while during Covid.

In Ireland we had 3 long downs. Nobody was speaking up about it at all.

Mask wearing and lockdowns could have been a forever thing. Nobody spoke out about it at all.

Everyone just scared because if they spoke out they would get linched by the woke mob and fired from their job.

We'd still all be locked down for the rest of our lives if the government wanted it. People are just sheep in the end. They were sheep in WW2, they are sheep over in Russia and everyone was a sheep during Covid lockdowns.
You seem to have things confused. South Korea were sheep and they had the lowest death rate in the entire world and were one of the first countries to get out of lockdown.

People weren't sheep in places like the US and thats why we had the second most deaths per 100k in the entire world.
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07-26-2023 , 04:53 PM
Originally Posted by Maximus122
Here are photos of my old seconady school. How does wearing a nappy in your face 2 feet away from 20 other students in your class stop you getting Covid.

Everyone just a moronic gutless idiot in the end.

Germs are transmitted through the moisture in your breath. That little nappy captures moisture.

Its pretty ****ing simple

Ironic you call people moronic, idiotic, gutless and you don't understand this.
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07-26-2023 , 04:57 PM
Originally Posted by coordi
People weren't sheep in places like the US and thats why we had the second most deaths per 100k in the entire world.
Covid is still around though. People are still dying from it.

It's just that nobody is talking about it anymore, because the politicans have realised that they can't get votes from it anymore.

The second the War in Ukraine happened nobody cared about Covid anymore and the politicans were using that situation to try to garnish votes from the people.

And if people were actually worried about Covid, if it was actually a threat people would have bought good 200 dollar masks on Amazon. Not those crappy nappies.

Anyways, I apologise.

That was all a terrible rant.

Not my best moment.

Have a good day.
Twitter Showing Cracks? Quote
07-26-2023 , 05:17 PM
Originally Posted by Maximus122
Covid is still around though. People are still dying from it.

It's just that nobody is talking about it anymore, because the politicans have realised that they can't get votes from it anymore.

The second the War in Ukraine happened nobody cared about Covid anymore and the politicans were using that situation to try to garnish votes from the people.

And if people were actually worried about Covid, if it was actually a threat people would have bought good 200 dollar masks on Amazon. Not those crappy nappies.

Anyways, I apologise.

That was all a terrible rant.

Not my best moment.

Have a good day.
Or maybe nobody talks about it because its mostly been contained after killing millions of people over 2 years.

By the way, Covid killed 3.5-4x as many people as the freakin gas chambers that you likened the vaccine to
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07-26-2023 , 05:20 PM
Originally Posted by Maximus122
Covid is still around though. People are still dying from it.

It's just that nobody is talking about it anymore, because the politicans have realised that they can't get votes from it anymore.

The second the War in Ukraine happened nobody cared about Covid anymore and the politicans were using that situation to try to garnish votes from the people.

And if people were actually worried about Covid, if it was actually a threat people would have bought good 200 dollar masks on Amazon. Not those crappy nappies.

Anyways, I apologise.

That was all a terrible rant.

Not my best moment.

Have a good day.
Please dont go. This is an important conversation for you to stick with. You desperately need this.
Twitter Showing Cracks? Quote
07-26-2023 , 05:24 PM
Everyone has gotten Covid now so people have the antibodies.

One final point. You can't lock everybody down, print a bijillion dollars and go back to normal.

It's not going to work. It's impossible.

When the markets are done shorting commodities in anticipation of a recession which is going to hit next year, people will start going long and you will see a tsunami of inflation hit the United States the like of which you have never seen.
Twitter Showing Cracks? Quote
07-27-2023 , 09:55 AM
Originally Posted by Maximus122
He has aspergers.

People with aspergers are intellectually bright, [...] they have high integrity [...]

They are honest [...]
Twitter Showing Cracks? Quote
09-18-2023 , 08:50 PM

That's gotta be a Hail Mary, right? Whatever they're doing is not working. Only way they'd entertain something like this, no?
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09-19-2023 , 10:22 AM
Yeah, hes insane. Very few people are going to pay a sub to use twitter. This is also right after they started paying out ad revenue too so it looks doubly ******ed
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09-19-2023 , 04:44 PM
ELON: I'ma buy twitter to protect it as a forum of free speech.

ELON: I'ma paywall twitter.

He can kiss his X goodbye.
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09-20-2023 , 08:44 PM
He said they will offer a lower tier subscription option and people and bots who don't pay will get less visibility. Givet it a few years and reddit, other forums, facebook, instagram, tiktok etc will be full of content by GPTs, midjourney etc. Some already are.
Twitter Showing Cracks? Quote
09-20-2023 , 09:53 PM
Originally Posted by heltok
He said they will offer a lower tier subscription option and people and bots who don't pay will get less visibility. Givet it a few years and reddit, other forums, facebook, instagram, tiktok etc will be full of content by GPTs, midjourney etc. Some already are.
bots will have more incentive to pay the fee than your average twitter user
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09-22-2023 , 03:14 AM
Originally Posted by coordi
bots will have more incentive to pay the fee than your average twitter user
yeah, but it will be hard to get so many unique credit cards to generate large amount of bots for the same purpose.
Twitter Showing Cracks? Quote
09-22-2023 , 10:44 AM
Originally Posted by heltok
yeah, but it will be hard to get so many unique credit cards to generate large amount of bots for the same purpose.
I would bet money that they don't enforce multiple accounts using the same credit card

I could also see them backtracking off this but we will see what happens
Twitter Showing Cracks? Quote
09-23-2023 , 08:11 AM
Originally Posted by coordi
I would bet money that they don't enforce multiple accounts using the same credit card

I could also see them backtracking off this but we will see what happens
It will be a lot easier to flag the bots if there is 1000 accounts by the same credit card and many of them are misbehaving.
Twitter Showing Cracks? Quote
09-23-2023 , 09:19 AM
I'm pretty sure Twitter has always been cracked. The company has never been profitable, despite that they were acquired at a premium to their valuation. Promptly after acquisition most of the talent was fired or left. Last quarterly earnings report has $340 million in losses. They're being sued by regulators all over. Users are spending less time in the app. For whatever reason, they've changed the name to the letter 'X'. Now they're discussing forcing users to pay $8 a month. I guess it's good X is a private company now so we can't directly short the stock.
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10-07-2023 , 04:04 PM
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10-09-2023 , 10:34 AM
Wonder how much the guy who owned the X domain got paid.
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01-02-2024 , 02:26 PM
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04-02-2024 , 09:50 PM
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08-06-2024 , 03:41 PM
Can anyone explain how this isn't horribly frivolous?

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