Originally Posted by Cuban B
I've repeatedly said that Musk's SpaceX work is impressive. He has a decent shot at very small industries where there's no commercial viability apart from government handouts. He's a mid level engineer who likes to use government money to take out-of-the-box shots in areas with no commercial competitors.
This is why he has done ok in space (no meaningful competition, massive government subsidies), solar (massive massive government subsidies, and lease program that has lost of money, so much that it was going bankrupt if Musk didn't force Tesla shareholders to bail him out), and electric cars so far (there was no point in 2015 for car companies to lose a fortune per car (in investor's money) like Musk is doing).
Musk has never competed successfully in anything that's commercially viable. That should scare you a little. He's basically the sucked the teet of billions in government subsidies. The man is a clown who can't survive in the real world, as you'll discover that when battery costs drop far enough (next few years), that the majors can start producing electric cars for a profit.