Originally Posted by rickroll
i am trying to be polite here
but you absolutely do not know what you're talking about and are repeating a bunch of nonsense
the "ghost cities" are lies
china plans 10-20-30 years in advance
it builts things in anticipation of usage and not for immediate needs
in the late 90s you saw them build out a modern highway system that was empty and there were tons of articles of "ghost highways"
at the time they began to build those massive national highway systems, the city traffic was literally like this
they saw the trends, understood the need and went for it, knowing full well that they would be run at under capacity for a few years as automobile ownership caught up
so when china builds a highspeed rail network, they aren't building it for right now, they are building it for the next 50 years. There are spots where they understand "hey there's nobody here now and not many jobs, but it makes logistical sense to run a bunch of new rail lines through here so if we put in a station here then it's be cheaper to ship supplies for businesses who would open up there, which is turn will bring in people to work there, etc etc
the end result is for a few years you have this absurd gargantuan station which doesn't really serve too many people
all those articles about "ghost cities" etc are written by idiots who didn't understand the long term planning behind it and every single one of those wound up as vibrant populated centers
it's the field of dreams, if you build it, people will come - americans don't understand this so you get a young journalist sent abroad and he's like "wow i can win a pullitzer pointing to this new urban development that is only 10% occupied because it is brand new"
You don't need to be polite. If you make an An ad hominem attack it is because you have have conceded the argument.
I was in China when there were no cars and the streets were filled with 1000's of bicycles. You had to go to a special
Government approved store to spend your USD because the government was in desperate need of USD.
For years I imported containers of goods from Shenzhen. From personal experience, my suppliers always tried to
short cut on quality and had to be constantly put in check. Try googling or youtube "Tofu Dreg." I believe it because I experienced it.
I was in Hong Kong the year before the lockdown.
I know much more about China and centralized economies that you think.
You are correct that China will take "a few years" to fix their absurd gargantuan station which doesn't serve too many people.
If by a few you mean 10-30 years you are right.
I can name 5-6 solid structural problems that China has that they will struggle to overcome in the next 10 years, but I will only
name one that is obvious and not discussed much.
One of the key structural problems is that China has reached peak population and it is in a decline now.
Yes the Government has realized this: and ONLY in 2021 did they allow TWO children per family.
Recently upped and are encouraging 3 kids.
The problem is that the problem will take +20 years to fix. The extra kids born now need 20 years to get into the GDP contributing part of their life.
Additionally, young people now are refusing to get married and have kids because they can't handle the additional financial responsibility and pressure.
One young man in China now has to support two parents alone (no siblings because of the One child policy). If he gets married, and his wife
(who also has to support two parents) will stop working to have kids?!? The lone income earner now has to support 4 parents, wife and any new kids.
The new generation has given up on Jack Ma's 9-9-6 mentality and now have a a lie flat mentality. Google or youtube "lie flat."
Repopulation rate is 2.2 and China's in 2021 was 1.09!!!
How can a Country that has 2 people retire (no longer contributing to GDP) and replaced with 1.09 people (adding to GDP) have a GDP growth of 5%?
The answer is Malinvestment. Borrow money and spend on unproductive assets that decay over time. That money spent shows up
as GDP in the current year, but it pulls it out of a future year AND you have to make interest payments on the borrowed monies.
Those empty Ghost cities will never be occupied. Currently there are 20 million unfinished units that citizens have already paid for that are
not delivered. 75% of the RE developers in China are insolvent. The Three red lines declared by Xi and the CCP exposed them.
Their disastrous construction/financing model was hidden by the rising tide (economy). It is only when the tied goes out do you see who is naked.
Those Empty rail lines will serve FEWER people for the next 20 years until China can fix its population decline. China is in for a similar situation like Japan.
Their "lost decade(s)" are just starting.
Oddly USA has the same population issue with a repopulation rate of 1.7 per woman. The saving grace is that you can add to population and GDP with LEGAL immigration.
China has a negative immigration. Net 200k Chinese left China in 2021 and USA gained 561K immigrants. (not sure what % is legal) I think in 2023 the number is over 2M!!
but probably +1.5M are illegal.
Last edited by mindflayer; 12-21-2023 at 01:49 AM.