Originally Posted by TeflonDawg
When I look at Elon Musk, I don't trust him. And the board is basically in his pocket
If Tesla did any kind of dividend, it would make me think Elon Musk has lost his marbles...The guy is solely interested in himself.
If you try to ignore subjective things about Elon, can we at least look at what absolute things has happened during the time Elon has been leading the company?
Back in 2014 Elon said Tesla would do 500k cars in 2020:
Bears thought this was absurd numbers:
Then they did it. Since then pandemic, wars and now they are making close to 500k cars/quarter.
If he was solely interested in himself, had lost his marbles etc, somehow still he did what people thought would never happen. So has he recently lost his marbles? Why then were bears saying that he had lost his marbles pretty much every week since 2014? Could it be that they had misjudged him? That he has always been a bit weird making some people misjudge him, but actually he is the same as he was from 2014 to the start of the twitter drama?
And if he did things solely for himself, then working 80h/week to make me richer, rather than retiring and living live Bezos/Branson? Living in a boxabl house near the factory? Sleeping on the roof of the factory or on a sofa there? Doesn't seem like he is very effective at being solely interested in himself...
Imo Elon is a bit strange. He is still a kid stuck in his illusion that he needs to and can save the world by himself. It's his strength and weakness. But he is extremely intelligent, knowledgeable, hard working and effective. A combination the world has never seen before. He can enter twitter, fire 80% and a few months later they went from burning billions to breakeven, while having released more features in a few months than they did in the last years. He is not like other CEOs and thus people think he doesn't make sense and fail to estimate the results of his actions... If you are gonna invest/short his companies you need accept him for what he is and is not, and do your best to guesstimate the expected value he brings to his companies.
Last edited by heltok; 06-09-2023 at 07:24 PM.