Originally Posted by maxtower
This guy is going to lose a ton of money. I actually feel bad for him. Has 3000 shares of TSLA and is going big into some options strategies he barely understands.
At first I thought this was an elaborate joke/hoax.
I don't think it is though.
This guy is getting into option strangles for the "free money"!
Holy smokes...if this is not an indication that we are at/near a market top, I don't know what is.
I've done a little option work...mainly selling covered calls on very mundane stocks. It is very, Very, VERY tricky. This guy is doing option strangles on 7 figures? He is some type of engineer and not a quant/math/finance guy? What could possibly go wrong?
he is struggling to explain it...he should know it front/down/round & round. he should be able to speak of it in his sleep...not stumble through it.
I don't think he even has a foggiest clue of how crazy the market/TSLA is.
If option strangles are so simple to make a million $ in, why isn't everybody doing it already?
A lot of people are going to learn some very expensive lessons!