Originally Posted by Didace
I'll take the over.
Of course, I'm talking about actual Full Self Driving. Not the scam they pulled with "Auto Pilot".
I dunno. That seemed more like people not really understanding what an autopilot is. The term is taken from aviation.
Does an autopilot in aviation taxi from the terminal to the runway? No.
Does an autopilot in aviation take off on its own? No.
Does an autopilot in aviation evade other planes? No.
Does an autopilot in aviation land on its own? No.
Does an autopilot in aviation taxi from the runway to the terminal? No.
An autopilot in aviation takes a predetermined set of waypoints and tries to follow them.
The autopilot in a car did
exactly that (get you from the on ramp to the off ramp).
Why people found this terminology confusing I'll never understand.