Originally Posted by t3hbandit
This is the internet dude. A thread packed full of Tesla bears and they've all made fortunes. TS the biggest winner no doubt just ask him.
Literal real time posted trades 10 bagged. So you don't need to "ask me" at all.
When Tela is successful it's because the market is rigged and everyone is dumb but them. Move along no bias to see here.
Tesla isn't successful. Their business is still doing terribly.
stock price however is a giant retail-fueled bubbled like shitcoins were in 2017 ($350 billion -> near zero) or pot stocks were in 2018 ($100 billion -> near zero), even like big cap tech is right now (individual stocks like Apple added a trillion each since corona with no meaningful improvement in fundamentals)
It's not "rigged", it's the exact opposite: it's an ocean of retail morons chasing each other higher. Happened in 2000 and it's happening again. Institutions who have to file 13Fs
net sold Apple, FB, Amazon etc in Q2 while they soared 100% off lows. Giant retail bubble= the most visible crap/cult stock inflates. Usually the crappier the better (see: every bubble ever).
Getting long a massive fraud with an ultra high beta (Tesla is 3-10x the market) can be really profitable if you get lucky on the timing and the market helps you out - whether it's penny stocks or Tesla. Enjoy the price but don't believe your own bullshit. It's all paper until you sell.