It is amazing how much confusion and conjecture has been thrown out in this tread re battery tech.
I speak as the person who
a) has definitely invested the most $$ in the space by current 2+2 posters
b) has done DD to justify those investments, including a follow up investment 3 months ago.
I wrote a longer post that got erased. Frustrating. Here are my remaining thoughts instead:
1. No one knows what Tesla will say on "battery day" until it happens. That said, anyone familiar with the company's history should expect an over-promise about something "in the near future." One thing's for, there is a 0% chance Tesla has created a world-beating next-gen battery that is commercially scalable with current manufacturing, and Elon decided it was in tesla's best interest to go stealth and delay revealing it for months.
2. They were panasonic cells. They are panasonic cells. They will be panasonic cells (for now). There are many ways to tweak battery cell chemistry. Everyone is pushing to find the best performance/cost. In the joint venture, is it possible Tesla contributed a specific chemical modification? Sure. But without getting into the details, it would only be a modified panasonic battery. The JV was manufacturing focused, paying for the reno gigafactory. But there's enough that prevented panasonic from seling
3. CATL are very solid. Anyone who thinks Tesla is about to introduce a battery cell that crushes CATL is just lol.
4. Somi- a few reasons why tesla cars have superior numbers, a few mentioned above. On a cellular level, the top of the line offerings are all pretty similar right now. LI-ion has hit a wall until the next breakthrough.
a. car-side issues; power consumption, etc.
b. if another company has a slightly superior battery tech, it has to be economically worth it to alter their assembly lines. Some chemical improvements are cost-prohibitive to implement if they don't expect sales to significantly increase.
c. business relationships matter. panasonic and tesla were wed. there's a reason why tesla was the only EV maker to be powered by panasonic up until recently -and it isn't because they're really tesla cells. maybe there's a reason why the panasonic/toyota deal happened within weeks of the first tesla/catl leaks this year?
d. more things matter for the battery than just the cell. could be the battery pack or the modules inside use unique tesla insights. but again, the cell chemistry is what really matters going forward and that most certainly isn't coming from tesla.
4. $/kwh is by far the stat that matters most. "1 million mile" battery is a totally worthless stat other than the brilliant headline generation.
5. In 2.5 months, a private company I'm significantly invested in will have manufactured the first real "next-gen" battery. I will guarantee you their stats will crush anything discussed on battery-day. They will be the single best commercially-viable batteries ever manufactured by man.
edit: bonus reading about LIB supply chains for EVs:
Last edited by thethrill009; 07-16-2020 at 04:36 PM.