For real? If so can you help me understand why
I'm only half joking.
A lot of funds are being carried out in body bags right now; all of them that are short Tesla are going to be forced to buy throughout the next week after the Monday washout. Whether or not that is going to cause another face ripper situation like October 2018-January 2019 is another story.
If you recall, during that time in which all the funds were imploding back then, Elon could have raped children on live TV and the stock would still be forced upwards because of the fund implosions.
I hope that this time around it won't happen because short float should be very low after the 900 debacle, and most of the remaining shorts are convert hedges, but Tesla is always a special stock.
Last edited by Morishita System; 03-20-2020 at 08:41 PM.