Originally Posted by Kelvis
TS, you're a sad, cynical bitter person. You couldn't imagine any person doing anything that doesn't is even slightly in interest of other people, because you would never.
This is the reaction someone gives when they're stuck in a carefully cultivated cult of personality and can't hear the truth about their leader. People lash out the same way at those who criticize the Scientology leader or the head of Theranos (mysogyny!)
The difference with you though is that you know what I say is true - the evidence is right there - which is why you have such a visceral, lashing out reaction to when I present truth to you.
You would scam people out of money at every opportunity possible and therefor can't even begin to think someone is actually genuine.
What was that about projecting? I've never scammed anyone ever. Musk is one of the biggest scammers of our generation.
And to add to that you don't even make trades, so you don't even exploit your worst characteristics to take money from other people. All you do is whine about someone that is smarter than you, has more money than you, has achieved a metric ****ton more than you in the hope you get an audience and becomes just as bitter as you.
This is just hero worship run amok.
It's probably not even your fault though. Whatever it is you're probably the victim of it so I will leave you to complain about everything in this world in piece. On ignore now, don't bother replying. Good luck in life and have some joy once in a while.
I'm calling out a fraud for being a fraud, and a narcissist for building a cult of personality which entraps people like you (see: your post above), and I present copious evidence for same.
noob answered your question pretty well, but it's quite simple: frauds just become frauds out of habit. Lots of reasons why it happens:
- You want to push the boundaries (Enron), be the smartest guys in the room (Musk and Enron), present the best face of the company you can
- You're incompetent with a rich daddy and have lied your whole life to cover it; doing it in business is natural.
- You start off small to make up a shortfall or get an investment, find it works, and keep pushing the boundaries. The more you believe in your own righteousness and that of your cause, the more you're likely to do this. Few people (even murderers) think they're a bad person or that what they did was unjustified. Musk straight up admits to lying to get investors back in 2009. It worked and he kept it going for an unprofitable business that needed tens of billions in capital with no profit. It's survival, right? Survival of a great cause. Who wouldn't push the boundaries when the alternative is it all falling apart for lack of money and your dreams dying?
- You're a narcissist who sees yourself as fighting enemies and don't mind fighting back dirty to win, as your cause is righteous. Musk has no issue sliming an innocent man as a pedophile because Musk was criticized. Attacking journalists, doxing people, calling up their bosses to have them shut down, filing fake workplace harassment charges, calling a SWAT team on an innocent whistleblower with a fake complaint. There is heaps of evidence Musk is a seriously unhinged narcissist.
- You start off small out of carelessness, or because something goes wrong, get caught in a lie, and can't stop (Madoff was a founding member of Nasdaq and highly successful; he didn't need a ponzi scheme but once too deep just kept it going - for 20 years and $30 billion)
- You're a salesman who pushes the envelope on the notion that "caveat emptor" and it's not really wrong, everyone does it.
That's only scratching the surface. You don't understand people very well and how habits develop, you have a very childish view of what Musk would do and why. Part of that is the PR he's carefully cultivated.