I'm the cuck that decided to cover here, I had defined a hard stop loss this time that I had to adhere at all costs ($894). I know this very well may be the high, but that's what I thought 200+ points ago, I just have been too wrong from a too early entry ($400 average~ on a too big of a position by now, without a hedge I couldn't fathom to have needed). Kudos to the bulls, I advise you to inverse me here and take a profit
I still have some long dated puts left, but that's just a minor drop in the bucket compared to the loss on the short.
Very humbling experience and same time feels like a relief, haven't ever felt so dreadful about a position as I felt with Tesla this year. It's my biggest loss ever on a single position, though only 1/4th the size of my biggest downswing ever (which I recovered from). Good luck to both bulls and bears!