Which part? The Musk family was so filthy rich off African labor in their mines, a teenage Musk
walked around with big emeralds in his pockets in New York to sell to Tiffanys.
I mean I appreciate a good rags-to-riches story as much as the next guy, but Musk's is bullshit. You think this master liar and manipulator's hagiography is going to read "My dad bankrolled my and my brother's early ventures with the vast amounts of family money we got from exploiting African labor in emerald mines. I sucked ass as a programmer and a manager (being fired from both as competent investors came in), but daddy saved the day". No. It's going to say he moved to North America with nothing and made it on his own sleeping on the floor, using his genius to "found" Paypal (lol) and Tesla (lol).
In reality Musk family members made some astutue investments at the start of the .com era, which got the boys in controlling positions.
So yeah I think Holmes' fraud is much more impressive and harder to do. She had to do it with nothing. That's not to say Musk isn't one the great conmen of our generations. Hats off for that - he certainly is.
Last edited by ToothSayer; 01-22-2020 at 09:59 AM.