Originally Posted by despacito
Google translate does not capture nuance and unless you regularly read elbil24.no it's impossible to put the article in context and read it critically. Probably fine if your goal is to push a specific agenda, less helpful if you want to gauge veracity with an open mind.
Dude you are an assclown. Norway's industry body reports the same that the US industry body does - that Tesla are involved in more accidents (by far). This directly contradict your and Musk's claim that Teslas are invovled in fewer accidents. Add in the fact that Musk is a known serial liar and fraud. The end.
As for [company name]deaths.com, not the URL I'd choose for an objective and unbiased source of information on an industry.
I completely agree, which is why
tesladeaths.com has a linked mainstream news reference source for every single death. I've mentioned this three times and you still try to throw shade. You're a dishonest loser.
lol @ me being a paid shill because I don't swallow your extremely biased sources of info.
Fully referenced lists and the industry body for insurance stats in two different countries are "extremely biased"? You're either a paid shill or crazy. You even claimed the IIHS insurance data was "made up by insurance companies".
Sounds like Tesla acknowledge the issue and are addressing it.
Meanwhile, about 30 posts ago you claimed (quoting Musk) there's no issue and Tesla are far safer, then lied, conspiracied and sophisted away all information that said otherwise. You're either a paid shill or crazy.
The article says fossil fuel cars have a 9% damage rate (sample size: 3 million, injuries: 283,110). EVs have a 13.5% damage rate (sample size = 200,359). Teslas have a damage rate of 20.4% (sample size unknown, my estimate is 40,000).
I'm not denying there is a problem that needs to be addressed ASAP.
You were denying there's a problem until I rammed the stats down your throat...the US industry body stats I first posted you first claimed were "made up by the insurance companies". At least now seeing the Norway ones you're dropping a little of your obfuscation and/or crazy delusion and admitting there is in fact a problem. Any mea culpa for your previous stupidity, lies and conspiritarding?
But cute that you didn't mention the dramatically different sample sizes as you were foaming at the mouth and mashing your keyboard with failed short seller outrage.
I go long more often than I go short, so your "evil short seller" narrative is cute. I will be very sad as a trader once Tesla is gone. And like I said, you're the dumbest person who ever posted on 2p2. 8000 of 40,000 is two orders of magnitude more than required to establish a reliable confidence interval when the incidence rate is 20%. You're on a poker site for ****'s sake and you can't calculate a confidence interval?
You compare 200K+ injuries of 3 million vehicles to 8000 of 40,000 as if it's a perfectly valid comparison. Would you stay that shows integrity and an honest intention to represent the facts?
Yes, it would, it shows perfect integrity and honesty. The is you
comically admitting you don't know have the most basic clue of statistics.
Thank you for betting an utter assclown, I couldn't ask for a more stupid opponent. You're doing a tremendous job making Tesla look awful; without you those videos of advanced summon failing wouldn't be posted, neither would the death stats.