Originally Posted by heltok
Tesla...seems to be the leader when it comes to features sold on the market today.
Yes, of course. I agree.
What I have trouble with is the inferences drawn from this statement. Firstly, that this means they are actually ahead on self driving technology research, which is absurd. They are far behind if you look what others have in the labs.
Secondly, that this is anything other than something they can get away with because of tiny size and rich, intelligent, first adopter customers. If GM or BMW put this tech in their cars, in the state its in, it would be completely unacceptable. Cars that lurch across lanes so dangerously, or that run into stationary objects which attempting to follow the car in front, or that swerve suddenly or follow exit ramps (which they still do, by the way), would be unacceptable and worthy of lawsuits.
Thirdly, I think it's obvious that Tesla has done a horrible job on this. The kind of mistakes their cars make should not happen with a competent software team. It's obvious that the only thing they've programmed is simplistic lane following when the lanes are clearly marked, simplistic car-in-front following (with apparently zero safety programming for boundary cases), and so on. This is so far from even the beginning of autonomous driving research, let alone today's state of the art. Their software is a joke. There are enough incidents now that show how juvenile and simplistic their software is.
And yet people in this thread (and Tesla PR) believe that they're ahead of others. They are clearly far behind. Hundreds of test cars from a number of manufacturers are successfully self driving around complex inner city traffic. This is 5+ years ahead of anything that Tesla can do, even if they had the research budget to do it.
And finally, the idea that Tesla is learning anything from the uploaded data on their current set of sensors is just farcical. NVidia have deep learning, ultra high bandwidth, multi camera solutions driven by Drive PX2 that is light years ahead of Tesla. It's in a different class. Tesla have zero advantage in autonomous driving and are in fact far, far behind.
That's all. The fact that smart people are disagreeing with me on something that's obvious and correct is just mind blowing. You've been fooled by PR, people.