Originally Posted by despacito
Challenge accepted!
Q: How much land is required for the US to generate all electricity with solar?
The answer is: if you covered the entire US continent with solar panels you couldn't generate all or even half of electricity with solar. Do you see why?
There is also a 0% chance that the gigafactory will be 100% (or even 50%) renewable powered by the end of 2019 for the same reason. Solar is unreliable and wind isn't viable in Nevada. Hence the claim they'll include geothermal - something that they haven't even started and the site is unsuitable for (there's a reason geothermal plants are generally put in the area of natural geysers)
Like "all superchargers being solar powered", the gigafactory being 100% powered by on-site renewables is pure bull**** that Musk has fed you. And why is he feeding you pure bull****? Because the truth about his company and the needless environmental disaster they create needs to be hidden behind fake "green" promises.