Why do you say people love the brand? The brand has been destroyed thanks to Musk treating his customers like disposable ATM cards. US and Norwegian brand surveys have Tesla getting absolutely destroyed from 2018 to 2019 - from near the top to near the bottom in one year. He did the following:
- Had a reservations line and then cancelled it and made it a free-for-all, making people's $1000 essentially meaningless
- Promised a $35K car which was never delivered
- To add insult to injury, pushed refunds out to 63 days (45 business days) for no good reason at all.
- Failed to properly beta test his car, including in winter conditions
- Didn't build up service infrastructure such that cars were basically unusable if anything went wrong - and lots went wrong thanks to the hand line in the tent
- Has unstable/unsafe autopilot that's killed multiple people - which the company then blamed in PR
- Sold fraudulent FSD vaporware
- Set a delivery date and then cancelled over and over again on thousands of people, including those who traveled for hours
- Baselessly called a hero stranger a pedophile when he was criticized, half-ass apologized and then doubled down, including yelling at a reporter who didn't investigate his purely made-up claims of pedophilia.
- Commits fraud and lies and exaggerates constantly, enough that the mainstream sees him now as a bit shady.
You can see the effects of this with Model Y reservations - it was a total flop. Musk is now seen as more of a freak and weird dude, a bit of a conman who makes fairly crappy fun cars and can't get his **** together.
The brand is badly damaged. You've got some hardcore fanboys left but they've already bought their cars. The market for $40K+ cars just isn't that large and he can't make $35K profitably due to their cuckshow of disorganization.
Perhaps if it gets cheap enough someone can come in and find some value in the brand, but the brand surveys don't lie, Tesla is pretty badly though of at this point. I posted the US and Norwegian pure brand surveys, but here for example is What Car? UK for example:
The Tesla Model S came in last in a major survey ranking cars by how reliable they are
The Tesla Model S proved the least reliable and was given a score of just 50.9%.
Owners identified issues with the cars' electrical systems and bodywork.
"Just over half of the cars were out of action for at least a week and some fixes cost more than £1500," What Car? said about the Model S.
These kinds of issues have sunk many car makers. I can't even imagine how bad the Model 3 is given that they make it in a rush in a hand line in a tent. There's a reason no major car maker makes cars like that.
Last edited by ToothSayer; 05-22-2019 at 06:42 AM.