Yeah things don't look good. S&X sales look done for, Model 3 sales are badly in the toilet too. Musk has destroyed his brand in many countries by being a cuck/loser. Tesla is now dead last in consumer opinion of all the automakers in Norway for example, which is their biggest European market. How do you recover from that? And more importantly it validates what the bears have been saying - that service and reliability is shockingly bad (tent car, anyone?) and that they are utterly incompetent at anything other than the base of the car and have a toxic corporate culture.
And it goes back to what I said - Musk either could not raise or is completely bat**** insane and a destructive CEO. Assuming he could raise last year, he destroyed his company's reputation for good because he didn't raise the capital needed to do servicing and customer service properly. What the **** is wrong in his head that he'd do that? That's the guy running this inflated company...