Originally Posted by Mihkel05
Let me know once you figure out what the processing bottlenecks are in terms of computational time with modern technology and then the transfer/receipt time utilizing modern network technology. I assume anything over 200ms is entirely useless, and that the development of on the fly processing is damn near impossible.
But hey "You have some expertise". Best of luck learning in the future.
I think anything over 50ms is useless. 200ms at 60mph is almost 6 meters. It's possible with proposed 5g specs but internet latency would have to catch up too. This is for purposes of decision making. I think a network can share data about traffic conditions and update parameters on the fly.
The "learning" process is something similar to what we do for learning poker. That's the ProPokerTools where we calculate odds and plot out decision trees. The trees are then memorized/practiced so we make instantaneous decisions with simplified heuristics.
"Deep" learning is giving computers to update the decision tree itself with incoming data. This approach worked out great for a closed game like Go because you can perfectly define winning conditions. For driving, "good labelled data" as someone pointed out is going to be crucial. Tesla, especially if it opts to track even driver behavior without auto-pilot, is going to have more data to feed whatever program they have than anyone else.
I don't know if this is what's going to happen. But as technology stands I think people are working on online "deep learning" to update heuristics and then local "instantaneous decisions."