Originally Posted by OlafTheSnowman
Agree with spurious. Everyone high fiving and congratulating each other here is reminiscent of heltok congratulating himself after the $420 tweet.
It's not at all the same.
heltok was too incredibly stupid to even
consider the notion that Musk was committing securities fraud. Any non-idiot put those odds at >50% by any rational analysis even with zero knowledge. Which means you have to have your head so far up Musk's ass and be so in love with him that you believe him unconditionally, as if he's your boyfriend or a cult daddy. I can't even begin to imagine how ****ed up in the head you'd have to be to not even question $420 "funding secured". especially for someone intelligent like heltok. There were so many clues even if you hadn't picked up that Musk is a liar and a fraud and I'd been laying out the evidence for. And consider: heltok is one of the guys writing self driving software. Yet he can't even do basic probability analysis. How scary is that? Maybe he actually works for Tesla?
So no. Shorts seeing their thesis coming true with multiple streams of hard evidence playing out exactly like they predicted, and celebrating it, is nothing like heltok.