Elon Musk pumping autopilot like crazy right now coming into the 22nd autopilot event. He's such a great conman - a casual glance at this makes you think amazing things are happening:
When in actuality it's merely finally doing a somewhat better job of what it always should have and has promised it could do for 4+ years - highway on ramp to highway off ramp.
It's also being dishonestly pumped by superfans/referrers:
A casual glance makes it look like it's navigating well on city streets. But if you look closely he intervenes many many times in this video and if you read it carefully, claims only " Except for increasing my speed once, zero interventions [highway] exit to exit. Unreal."
All that's happened is that lane changes no longer need active confirmation, which was a safety feature. This is a brilliantly pumped nothing burger on autonomous driving leading up the April 22nd big reveal. I actually think it'll be effective and get some excited money in. Only a careful read/look shows that Tesla still has nothing but lane keeping, lane changing, and traffic following on highways, still while slamming at full speed into stationary objects.
Meanwhile, back in reality, this is the actual update from the
Tesla blog:
In this new version, drivers will now have the option to use Navigate on Autopilot without having to confirm lane changes via the turn stalk
That's all that's changed. Hats off to Elon, this is one of the greatest pumps he's done yet. He even has many excited users talking about the "neural net" starting to work and be turned on. It's comical how stupid these people are. I'm almost starting to like Musk for the skill with which he pulls off these cons and misleading pumps.
Last edited by ToothSayer; 04-06-2019 at 01:59 PM.