Originally Posted by grizy
Let's expand on the STD metaphor a bit more:
1. we know even the bulls know about the incurable STD
2. imagine there is a significant possibility the STD can be cured in the future
That's a decent chunk of Tesla's bull case.
Is it though? By the time that "STD is cured" everyone has it, not just Tesla.
I just can't believe Teslas are allowed on the road now with "features" that are literally killing drivers and effectively putting all other motorists at risk and costing the state money when it has to clean up some mess from a highway pileup or a car burning up on the side of the road or dispatch emergency services.
I know that's sort of a specious argument but c'mon. The bar is too low imo. Perhaps I'm unlike most, but I refuse to buy a car like that. I don't ever want the option of turning on autopilot if I know it might jack me into a divider or speed up when it should slow down. And I damn sure won't want that possibility for a friend or loved one who wants to test drive/borrow it.