Originally Posted by ChipRick
Broken clock is right twice a day... You spam this thread so much im sure you can find a sentence in one of 100+ posts that demonstrate your clairvoyance, however i am not going to waste my time running attribution on your calls for you.
That doesn't even make sense, dickhead. Tesla isn't going up and down in terms of manufacturing, everything they do involves extreme misses of all their production and autonomous driving projections and claims. I've had the same view on Musk's manufacturing competence and the state of autonomous driving for years...all have been correct, both are utter failures. Do you read the Tesla Motors club forum? V9 autopilot is a horribly incompetent and dangerous failure...even lots of previous fans are pleading with Tesla to fix it/roll it back.
Meanwhile, high priced Model 3 demand is dead. These emails are going out to everyone multiple times lately:
This after the liar and fraud, Musk, claimed on October 15th that that was the last day you could order and get delivery by December 31. Now the backlog is PROVABLY less than a month. I mean, how can you guarantee delivery if a backlog is greater than a month? You can't. Unless Musk is desperately lying again to get people to pay him money to stay solvent, which is possible; we know for a fact that's he a shameless liar and fraud. So take your pick: demand is dead for a >$35K or Musk is lying to get deposits.
A bit of evidence on terrible demand: Cash-strapped Tesla just absorbed $10K to $30K
per car in tariffs on the S&X to keep selling in China. Remember that S&X are supply limited according to Musk.