Horrible delivery numbers for October. The loser Elon Musk is so desperate to keep his stock pumped, InsideEV publishes them in a fluff article (rather than the horrible, numbers hitting organically without commentary), then he responds immediately with this:
You'd think he'd be busy, you know, running a car company, rather than being so desperate to pump his stock that he calls in favors and responds immediately during the work day?
Despite the desperate spin, these numbers are really bad, for S & X as well.
Our initial estimates, which will be updated once again later today, peg Tesla Model 3 sales at 17,750 in the U.S. in October
(September had 22,250 units)
For September, we estimate the following for sales of these two Teslas:
Tesla Model S – 1,350 units in October
Tesla Model X – 1,225 units in October
Both of those figures are well below September’s results when our estimates put both cars at a volume of 3,750 for the Model S and 3,975 for the Model X.
Good spot for puts at $344 here; ripping market is unfortunate.
Last edited by ToothSayer; 11-01-2018 at 03:53 PM.