This site has some interesting numbers regarding inventory of new or nearly-new Model S/X cars available for purchase through Tesla:
I'm not sure what to make of it all though. Most of these vehicles have some miles on them. Are they loaner cars given out while a car is the shop? Were these lemons that had to be taken back and refurbished? There's no model year shown, are these all 2018's?
I'm also not sure how to estimate the significance of the number of vehicles listed (if there is any). For instance, it shows that there are currently 937 vehicles available in the US. Is that a lot? It doesn't sound like a lot for the whole US but I'm not that familiar with the historical demand for those vehicles. On the other hand that's still about $100 million in inventory sitting on the books just in the US.
What does seem surprising are the inventory numbers in parts of Europe:
Norway: 555
UK: 266
Switzerland: 172
Netherlands: 1275 (!)
Those are the ones that stand out, the rest of the countries listed have inventory numbers in the low teens on average.
What to make of this information, if anything? We heard that sales in Norway had basically stopped. Is this further confirmation of that? There's 500+ cars sitting there somewhere that no one's buying? Why are there so many damn cars in The Netherlands?
If you add up the numbers for those 4 countries plus the US you get to about 3200. That's starting to sound like a lot of inventory on the books that has to be sold at a discount to get rid of.