Originally Posted by wikibg
If the stock does not crash soon, maybe they can raise equity in q3 or q4? The geniuses on TMC will still buy it.
problem is, if they were serious about their new products and their factories in shanghai and europe, plus having enough cash to evade bankruptcy talk for a few quarters, they would need to raise maybe 8-10b$. i think that's a bit more than TMC can come up with
either they can't raise because of investigations or - my guess - IB can't find enough big money to buy their secondary. atleast not without a huge discount - which would rattle existing shareholders.
you can see funds aren't lining up to add more TSLA right now, with fidellity and price t rowe selling shares last quarter.
if i was trying to read between the lines:
with their fixation on the 5k target and all the money they threw at it (flying in machinery from europe, crazy working hours), they might have been hoping to get a better response for their secondary.
but i guess that ship has sailed.