Spurious, the bulls are such total, blind morons that they actually thought the go-private was real and settled. Should I go back and quote these utter clowns? As someone said:
Originally Posted by Spurious
Given your history, you shouldn't be talking anymore.
Sorry, you have no credibility on Musk's honesty or his personality. You have been dead wrong and the bears have been 100% right about him being a liar and a fraud. That's proven; the end.
Been reading more about Elon Musk. He's never interested me must as he's obviously a major loser, but it's interesting to read about him as to why this latest disaster has happened. Basically there's a strong history of fraud and incompetence, as well as terrible inability to plan and manage with even an average competency.
He's basically some idiot child with daddy issues, a big ego and small brain, but risk-taking creativity. He won a couple of tournaments during poker's easy time after being bankrolled by his rich daddy's money and with his (more competent) brother to hold his hand, and is now way out of his league playing at the big boy tables.
The most interesting thing is that he's basically technically incompetent and horrible at organization, but is willing to take big risks and has a family to backstop him. A couple of which have paid off as they happened in the right environments. This is a pretty decent microcosm for his entire life:
Mohr Davidow Ventures invested $3 million into the company, on the condition that Musk hand over most of his shares and cede operational control to a seasoned tech executive named Rich Sorkin. Musk was demoted to Chief Technology Officer, and not surprisingly, he hated to see someone else run his own business. But he needed the money to take Zip2 to the next level, so he took the deal.
Under Sorkin, Zip2 shifted its focus from local to national. Instead of helping flower shops and auto dealerships stake their claim on World Wide Web, Zip2 began offering a platform service to newspapers across the country, so they could create their own local directory services. The New York Times Company signed up for its first website with Zip2, along with the Chicago Tribune and big media properties like Knight Ridder and Hearst Corporation. Craigslist hadn’t yet robbed the newspapers of their classifieds cash-flow, but the writing was on the wall. Media companies still had money to spend, and they knew they needed to do something to avoid getting rolled under. For a time, Zip2 played the white knight to print publishing, and the company grew quickly as a result.
With all the new money, Zip2 was finally able to hire software engineers and even poach some of the best talent in the Valley. Musk had done most of the initial coding himself, and though he was a gifted programmer, his work clearly showed that he was self-taught. The new programmers found that they needed to rewrite most of the software, to make it more efficient. Musk’s DIY approach to coding didn’t include chunking, so he inadvertently created a “hairball”: a tangled mess of code that’s nearly impossible to unravel if anything goes wrong.
But Musk didn’t always agree with the changes, and he had a bad habit of returning the favor. Often he would re-write his programmers’ code after they left work at the end of the day, without telling them of the changes. He was also prone to micro-managing and rudely criticizing his team. Needless to say, they found him difficult to work with. Musk never stopped himself from bluntly correcting others when he thought they were wrong.
47 year old is Musk is that same ego-ridden loser rich kid who writes crappy code and yells at people - good for a creative startup but way out of his depth when things get tougher than the crazy creative energy stage of a startup.
Easy ZIRP credit and a couple of lucky wins off other people's talent (if they didn't have the rocket not blow up, they were dead, for example) have put him as the (hilariously, insanely) incompetent head of a $50 billion car manufacturing business, where he is so far out of his depth that everything is a disaster. He's reverted to type - being an ego-driven disaster who thinks he's the smartest guy in the room and can't delegate or plan, but is actually messing everything with his dumb micromanaging.
The one talent he does have is PR and self promotion - he's had a lifetime of lying and actually endorses it by his earlier comments - and he has a kind of "aw shucks" creative picked on kid aura that has endeared him to the world's technocucks, who've backed him with money and fawning press coverage that has reached the mainstream.
One thing that stands out is his pricky personality and inability to take criticism. His whole identity is tied up in being the smartest guy in the room (while in reality being an incompetent loser with below average technical intelligence in any area he's entered, which he tries to overcompensate for with raw energy), so he bristles at criticism and can't help lashing out and feeling unfairly persecuted by cave divers, the press for a tiny bit of negative coverage amidst a lifetime of fawning coverage, people at work who dare to disagree with him, and shorts, who treat him like he's not the smartest guy in the room. This enormous personality flaw + drugs have led him to the mess he's in now. The dumb cuck literally rage-tweeted his way into this liability disaster because he was pissed off and paranoid about the shorts.
I don't see how this ends well for him. He's >3 levels above his personal Peter Principle and is coming unravelled with the stress of having to throw vast amounts of energy and time at things to make up for his middling intellect and poor technical intelligence. Age is probably playing a part too - his ability to generate frenetic energy to overcome the manifest things he's incompetent at is gong to decline getting into his late 40s.