Originally Posted by Spurious
So, you actually started buying the BS that TS has fed you in the recent years. The shorts on Amazon, Apple and a lot of other companies have been wrong despite evidence that convinced them to think otherwise. This argument is non-sense. Valeant and Enron are the exception to the rule.
I love how all the cowardly losers show up when it buys strongly off lows, but you don't hear a PEEP when the **** hits the fan. Pages went by with no one saying a word from the bulls as Tesla tanked after the fraud tweet. It's sad, but a great insight into the unstable/emotional mind of a Tesla bull.
Apple and Amazon have zero evidence of fraud (who here was short Apple? I personally thought Apple was a terrible long (and it was), not a good short). They are stable, reliable companies with moats. They have zero financial or cash flow problems and haven't had any since 2009. Their books are honest and straightforward and they're in industries with large profit margins. They are highly competent at what they.
Tesla has ample evidence of both extreme cash flow problems, extreme loss making and extreme fraud. They are highly incompetent at what they're attempting to do - mass manufacture profitable cars. We just literally had bona fide stock fraud for which the CEO is under serious SEC investigations, yet you want to compare Tesla to APPLE and not Valeant? Please pass what you're smoking, son.
Do not take Enron as a base case for Tesla. It's a ridiculous thing to do. Enron lied and pretended to have something that never actually existed or wasn't yet completed. You can count every single Tesla that is on the road today and that's their product. Don't make the mistake to take a product that actually exists vs. something that requires revenue recognition.
Enron had $60 billion in assets when it went bankrupt. It had about 40x more customers for real products than Tesla, and enormous real revenues. On top of that, there were fraud and lies. Valeant had $30 billion in assets on the books. Actual profit. They still tanked 90% over fairly minor fraud. Because fraud creates liability.
Tesla is exactly like Enron/Valeant. A lying CEO putting up (provably, knowingly) false projections, horrible money loss (that alone blocks ANY comparison with Amazon or Apple), and now blatant stock fraud that had the board throw him under a bus.
Again, are you high? You have zero attachment to reality, man.