Originally Posted by heltok
I will also point out that you did exactly what I said why I left the forum. You focus on winning the debate rather than winning at life. Maybe you actually believe that you are trying to win at life. If so I will just caution you that the life goal here is to help each other help each other to make better informed decisions.
And I haven't done that? I laid out in exquisite detail the evidence why Tesla's FSD driving was provably in a horrible state. It was black and white if your brain functions. Seriously, go back and read our discussions about self driving from 2015/2016.
That you are too stupid/bullish/incredibly ignorant of software to understand the extremely solid reasoning I laid out with detailed evidence is not my problem. But it was a case of me "helping each other" far more than you have done anyone here with the nutjob bull cases you posted (you had them at billions in energy profit by now and hundreds of K Model 3), or the nutjob/5 year old's analysis you did of the state of Tesla's self driving software.
I can't imagine how stupid you have to be to not see it. Seriously go back and read the discussions we had 2-3 years ago with the benefit of hindsight. You'll see extremely solid evidence based reasoning on my part and you being completely wrong and completely off the reservation.
If that's not me "helping you", then what is?
I'm happy for you that you got lucky on Tesla despite getting your future fundamental predictions on everything Tesla related clownishly wrong. I genuinely am - I have no animus toward you. But the same thing happened with the worst .com stocks in 1999 - the mouth breathing ******s piled in on the crappiest of stocks for the worst reasons and made great money (IF they sold - most didn't) until it all collapsed. Tesla will be no different.
You made a horrible, horrible bet on your perceived Tesla future fundamentals and got lucky that Elon is a genius conman/stock manipulator willing to go to full on fraud, and helped by a raging tech bull market. It's that simple. That's not true for say, your bitcoin bet. But it's true for Tesla.
From 2-3 years ago:
- Autopilot turned out 100% like the bear predictions, perhaps even worse than the bear predictions. Tesla are dead last while competitors are putting out real world public autonomous hailing fleets in several cities consisting of 10s of thousands of cars.
- Musk's mass manufacturing (in)competence and timeline ended in the bottom quarter of the bear predictions
- Musk's cash burn and debt has ended up exactly like the bear predictions
- Model 3 ramp has ended exactly like the bear predictions
- Musk's alien dreadnought and "machine that builds the machine" turned out to be a comical failure - pulling out the robots + clownish 1970s level hand production in a tent.
- Solar roofs is now a proven lie, they didn't exist and still don't
- SolarCity has been massively scaling down since its purchase
What have the bears gotten right, fundamentally? Everything. What have the bulls gotten right? Nothing.
All that's left is Musk's superb confidence game, "look at the shiny object in the near future" frauds, cult following and stock manipulation and a raging tech bull. Had you bought Tesla on that, bravo. If you bought on future fundamentals, like you did, it was a total failure and you simply got lucky.
Last edited by ToothSayer; 08-09-2018 at 07:30 AM.