Originally Posted by heltok
It would have been sweet if they stayed public and the profitable Tesla or not question could have been answered so the debate would have been settled in either direction. There sure has been a lot of disagreement on the stock. But winning a debate is less important than winning at life to me. That is why I left this thread, it seemed that some people here were more interested in winning the debate than winning at life.
Please. You left the thread because you got completely owned on both autonomous driving and Musk's manufacturing incompetence, and you were too embarrassed to post. Despite autonomous driving being your actual profession and specialty, you got everything dead wrong on where Tesla was on autonomous driving, which is an amazing feat of stupidity.
As for my take on all this, this is transparently a pump. If there was genuinely a 10s of billions go-private in the works from a consortium:
- Someone on Wall Street would know about it. No one does.
- You wouldn't tweet it out with the price, thus hurting your actual chances of going private as more shareholders are likely to vote against it when it's a small rather than a large premium from the current price
- You wouldn't do it just as Tesla is about to become permanently profitable, which, if you are telling the truth, is sufficient to burn the shorts
And given that Tesla needs many 10s of billions in outside capital in order to get to scale even the Model 3 (they've bizarrely scaled back capex and stopped ramping - why if they can raise???), public markets are by far the best way, if not the only way, to do that.
We'll see what happens but this is a huge gift to the shorts. Musk is either not lying and your downside is capped at 10% loss, or he's lying and this is the end game and you've got 100% profit coming. 10:1 payout on Musk being a liar/fraud is pretty amazing, given that he provably is for major material facts.
Last edited by ToothSayer; 08-08-2018 at 08:24 AM.