Multiple choice quiz for the Musk believers (out of kindness I'm trying to keep it simple for you)
Four weeks ago, Musk said this:
The stock has lost 16% since then in an up market (QQQ just breached all time highs)
Musk was:
1) Lying to desperately keep the stock up amid bad news, letting his investors lose their money
2) Deluded/crazy/just plain wrong, not lying but uncaring of who he hurt
3) The short burn is still going to happen very soon even though all announcements seem to have happened. It's a week late and it's going up far over 400 next week.
4) He actually meant that Tesla is going to crash (i.e. the shorts are going to explode in value!)
I'm curious which it is, and if you don't believe (3), has this statement changed your opinion of Musk's intentions and honestly/grip on reality?