It' s getting old for readers I'm sure, so will take a break from 2p2. I'll still post trades in private chat.
At this point I've pretty much won all arguments about Tesla/Musk, so not much left to discuss. Merely bankruptcy to play out.
You can tell people feel owned when they follow you around doing nothing but attempted character assassination. It's pretty funny/sad, but the lurkers must be getting sick of it, so taking a break to let Spurious/ASAP/etc unbunch their panties and soothe their dissonances.
Tesla's a nice short here at $316. Jonas' note today says it all. When their biggest bull is flat out calling Musk a liar on production projections, and is projecting 8+ months on what he said is happening in three weeks, something weird is going on.
I'm 70+% inclined to believe this reporter, given his amazing track record:
And if so, it's lights out by the end of the year. If Musk can raise he might extend it a little, but it's crunch time and he's got **** all to show...the bullest of projections have them too far behind to ever catch up to making it to the big leagues with all the capital expenditure cutting they've had to do, and now the hole they're in. Raising will merely get them to even/not enough to fund the lines to produce over 5K/week, and every single thing they own down to the factory and future lease revenue is mortgaged and spent. There's a reason Musk looks so utterly dejected.
Last edited by ToothSayer; 06-08-2018 at 01:07 AM.