Originally Posted by jeansrun
First of all I think you are very wrong. I can appreciate your concerns, as these statements seem very harsh on someone who has not grasped the effect and the wild spreadnessness of "multilculturalism" and political correctness and blatant system abuse that comes with it.
If you start arguing that my post was racist, well then you have already lost this argument as islam and islamization has nothing to do with race.
You don't think people from other countries should immigrate to Europe. People from brown countries. You think they will **** up Europe. At the very least, you're xenophobic.
The media has chosen to silence the critics and milden the facts. Hundreds of cars burning in France? Youths and employment problems. Press living under constant death threaths? Standard. Sharia in UK? Normal! Taxpayer subsizied polygamy? No problem! White flight? Well because they are racists!
Hundreds of cars burn in Athens? Youth and employment problems, not immigrants. Press living under constant death threats? *citation needed* Sharia in the UK? *citation needed* Taxpayer subsizied polygamy? *citation needed* White flight *description needed*
Multiculturalism is a structural weakness of the West, and other cultures and forces are abusing it. The abuses we are taking are just a symptom of our own weakness, and thus the correct way to fix the solution would be to have more belief in ourselves and start reproducing again and making babies. For countries like France and Holland this seems to be too late.
Yes, back in the days when the west was all Christian, oh those were the peaceful times of Europe!
One of the biggest problems is that once a countries population exceeds a certain % of muslims, it will not be a free country by Western standards. Only three countries that have just a 20% muslim population can be considered free: Serbia Montegero, Benin and Surinam. After that it is bye-bye women's rights, free speech and other human rights.
Yes, countries ruled by fundamentalist nuts of any religion kind of suck for freedom. See: Europe in the dark ages/medieval times. Countries with a clear separation of Church and State do much better. So my guess is, if we keep religion of any kind separate to the state, then we'll be ok.
The UK muslims have stated that they would rather live under Sharia law than in Westminster type of government. This means that because they are having a tons of babies, they will be the majority one day, and then the UK will be a muslim country with sharia law. And if you are used to the luxuries of freedom of speech etc. you wont be living in the UK anymore.
*citation needed*
Do you know why German schools on average score so bad on the PISA tests? Because too many of the kids can not read or write.
I can provide a citation for this one!
bzzzt wrong answer. Germany is above average.
Ok let's start with some numbers and some facts:
Refreshing change!
aaaand you cite an editorial. someone's opinion. Nice.
*checks gatesofveinna.blogspot.com*
At the siege of Vienna in 1683 Islam seemed poised to overrun Christian Europe. We are in a new phase of a very old war.
Yes, this seems like an unbiased source of empirical evidence that has been peer reviewed by experts.
CBN... who are they.... christian broadcast network! Well, I'm sure they wouldn't say anything mean about other religions, I mean Christians have never marched into another religions heartland and slaughtered hundreds of thousands people, nor have they persecuted other religions... it would be so bizarre for Christians to be biased about a topic like another religion!
Theo Van Gogh. Dead.
Pim Fourtyn. Dead.
Ayaan Hirsi-Ali. A muslim who had to escape to the USA from the islamists. She wasn't safe in Europe anymore.
Pim Fortyn wasn't killed by Islamic extremists btw, he was killed by this guy:
Its perfectly conceivable that a small minority of extremists were making death threats. She was not harassed in public by angry mobs here. If you want to argue otherwise, provide a cite. If you want to argue about this, I'll start presenting people who had to go underground due to fundamentalist Christian death threats.
Just recently a Bundesbank high official was removed from his position after stating that certain Turks, Arabs had problems immigrating to Germany. He had the proof with the employment, welfare and education rates. But because everyone is so biased and multicultural that they would rather denounce the guy than face the facts.
And your tirade in favor of the German board member; first of all, they are a private company and saying contreversial things, on either side of the fence for any debate, is not preferred. Companies don't like to get involved in this. Secondly,
after the former Berlin finance senator said the city's Arab and Turkish populations had no productive function and had too many children.
He didn't criticise the integration, he spat in the face of immigrants. No productive function? How is that not inflammatory? and more:
In the interview, Sarrazin said of Berlin, "A great many Arabs and Turks in this city, whose numbers have grown because of the wrong policies, have no productive function other than as fruit and vegetable sellers."
Sarrazin, a long-time member of the Social Democrats, said one of Berlin’s biggest problems is that “40 percent of all births take place in the lower class.”
This guy isn't just a racist, he's a classist too, probably even worse. Is this the kind of image a bank wants to have? You think this is wise? He wasn't even sacked, he was asked to quit, and I can't find a citation of him actually quitting yet! Explain how he was removed? You're twisting words.
For a guy who is uppity about the 'liberal bias', why don't you instead turn to peer reviewed, accredited journals with numbers you can use to support your position? Why are you turning to extreme right wing blogs? These are sources of opinion.
Europeans blatanly chose 35-hour work weeks, studying until they were 30 and generous annual vacations and still chose not to have babies it is just too sad.
You mean, only France? Also, the irony is, you know why birth rates have dropped? Because women have been getting a better education, and have put that education to use by working full time.
Citation. Why spend 5 years at university if you're just going to pop out babies anyway? Oh, you think this is sad? I guess women right's is pretty sad....
The link rightwingnews.... they really don't care, do they?
The European Continent isn't multicultural so much as bicultural. There are ageing native populations, and young Muslim populations, and that's it: "two solitudes", as they say in my beloved Quebec. If there's three, four or more cultures, you can all hold hands and sing We are the World. But if there's just two — you and the other — that's generally more fractious. Bicultural societies are among the least stable in the world, especially once it's no longer quite clear who is the majority and who is the minority — a situation that much of Europe is fast approaching, as you can see by visiting any French, Austrian, Belgian or Dutch maternity ward.
- Mark steyn from "The Telegraph"
Nice opinion, *citation needed*
In France, President Sarkozy is proposing a very modest step — that those who retire before the age of 65 should not receive free health care — and the French are up in arms about it. He's being angrily denounced by 53-year-old retirees, a demographic hitherto unknown to functioning societies. You spend your first 25 years being educated, you work for two or three decades, and then you spend a third of a century living off a lavish pension, with the state picking up every health care expense. No society can make that math add up. And so, in a democratic system today's electors vote to keep the government gravy coming and leave it to tomorrow for "the children" to worry about. That's the real "war on children" – and every time you add a new entitlement to the budget you make it less and less likely they'll win it... Nothing makes a citizen more selfish than socially equitable communitarianism: Once a fellow's enjoying the fruits of Euro-style entitlements, he couldn't give a hoot about the general societal interest; he's got his, and who cares if it's going to bankrupt the state a generation hence?
- Mark Steyn form "The OC Register"
Yeah, the French hate it when their government tries to mess with them, for better or worse. Also, its interesting his little mathematics:
25 years educated + 30 years of working minus the average life expectancy in France of 80... That leaves 25 years. But wait, this guy said a 1/3 of a Century, that's 33 years... He's off by a factor of 10%. Also, that lavish pension?
87 euros a week. Damn, they have it easy!
And you know how France makes the math add up? Immigration.