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Silver Silver

12-30-2016 , 07:34 PM
Originally Posted by Jbrochu
You're gambling when you buy silver too. And with a mostly limited upside.
Just pretend for 18 seconds that you aren't brainwashed by the almighty fiat dollar and you will understand why this statement is completely ridiculous. And I'm not saying that to you in a demeaning way because 99.8% of people in America think that way.

Nobody in human history going back 6,000 years has ever gone wrong owning gold and silver. It is literally impossible to go wrong owning either.

Saying that owning gold is a gamble is like saying drinking Evian water is a gamble.

You need to understand that REAL stackers are not converting fiat to silver to get back more fiat. There are in fact a lot of gold/silver bugs that do not understand this either. They bought in on silvers run up valuing silver in fiat and think they lost because they value it in fiat.

Real stackers who understand gold is money don't give a damn what the fiat price is.
Silver Quote
12-30-2016 , 08:21 PM
So Michael if we go say 10 more years with no implosion of the system, will you still think that "nobody in human history going back 600 years has ever gone wrong owning gold and silver"?

Assuming all they did was stack and they didn't invest in the markets to help pay for retirement, is 10 years enough for you to think it was a mistake? Help me out with a time frame here.
Silver Quote
12-30-2016 , 08:49 PM
Originally Posted by rafiki
So Michael if we go say 10 more years with no implosion of the system, will you still think that "nobody in human history going back 600 years has ever gone wrong owning gold and silver.
You tell me the period of time when a person was considered a dope for owning gold and silver.

Maybe the 14th century?

A couple thousand years B.C.?

Me the exact date or period of time when owning gold was stupid.
Silver Quote
12-30-2016 , 08:54 PM
I like rafikiki, Brian the mick and even mr baseball. I kinda of want to send you each a roll of silver for the explicit reason that when society collapses you can use it to bribe govt agents to give you safe passage to me. Kind of like the Jews who escaped through the forests to safety during ww2. But you have to use it for safe passage to get to me and I'll give you guys and your families free rent in my huge apt complex that I was able to buy for a few ounces of gold.

Just so I can hear you still tell me that gold and silver are still just shiny useless metals.
Silver Quote
12-30-2016 , 08:56 PM
Originally Posted by Michael1999
Silver is undervalued comapred to other real assets.
How do you know? How are you determining value?
Silver Quote
12-30-2016 , 09:09 PM
Originally Posted by Didace
How do you know? How are you determining value?
obviously not by comparing the price to other goods, commodities, currencies, or anything else that is traded regularly. silver holds its value because he *knows* it holds its value.
Silver Quote
12-30-2016 , 09:30 PM
Originally Posted by Michael1999
You tell me the period of time when a person was considered a dope for owning gold and silver.

Maybe the 14th century?

A couple thousand years B.C.?


Me the exact date or period of time when owning gold was stupid.

coming from someone who likely has nearly as much or even more gold/silver than you...

right now?
Silver Quote
12-31-2016 , 10:15 AM
I might own more gold than Michael. But as a percentage of my net worth it's tiny.
Silver Quote
12-31-2016 , 11:20 AM
Originally Posted by Michael1999
Silver is undervalued comapred to other real assets.
It is actually right in the middle to upper part of its historical range compared to other real assets.

Of course, reality doesn't matter.
Silver Quote
12-31-2016 , 03:28 PM
Originally Posted by Michael1999
I like rafikiki, Brian the mick and even mr baseball. I kinda of want to send you each a roll of silver for the explicit reason that when society collapses you can use it to bribe govt agents to give you safe passage to me. Kind of like the Jews who escaped through the forests to safety during ww2. But you have to use it for safe passage to get to me and I'll give you guys and your families free rent in my huge apt complex that I was able to buy for a few ounces of gold.

Just so I can hear you still tell me that gold and silver are still just shiny useless metals.
If we get to a time where you can buy a huge apartment complex for a few ounces of gold, someone with a bigger gun, maybe the government, will take your apartment complex. Just put your money in hookers and blow now.
Silver Quote
12-31-2016 , 05:49 PM
Yeah I was gonna add to that line of thought. Honestly if/when banks fail and money is no longer money, it's a serious survival/defence plan that you need. I don't even know how you'd keep gold safe once anyone got wind you had it. You'd need a militia.
Silver Quote
12-31-2016 , 06:52 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
"I'm not saying you should hoard silver... but ya know, some people might think it's a great idea to hold solver for when the gov't collapses..."

Dude, make up your mind here. If you think it's a great idea to hang on to big piles of silver, than say so instead of talking out of both sides of your mouth.
If you have a large net worth I think big bags are a good idea. If you have a small net worth I think small bags are a good idea.

I am not talking about of both sides of my mouth. You are confusing my comments on economic theory with an investment strategy.

Gold and or silver play a roll in a strong portfolio--that is a comment on investment strategy.

Gold and silver are a better medium for money than government fiat. That is economic theory.
Silver Quote
01-01-2017 , 04:11 PM
Originally Posted by rafiki
Yeah I was gonna add to that line of thought. Honestly if/when banks fail and money is no longer money, it's a serious survival/defence plan that you need. I don't even know how you'd keep gold safe once anyone got wind you had it. You'd need a militia.
And you still end up Negan and Lucielle's bitch
Silver Quote
01-01-2017 , 06:23 PM
Originally Posted by rafiki
I might own more gold than Michael. But as a percentage of my net worth it's tiny.
Wealth is measured in ounces. Owning silver and gold = wealth.
Silver Quote
01-01-2017 , 06:26 PM
Originally Posted by rafiki
Yeah I was gonna add to that line of thought. Honestly if/when banks fail and money is no longer money.
When fiat fails gold/silver will become the most sought after currency.

Money is no longer money? Fiat is not money. It is a debt instrument.
Silver Quote
01-01-2017 , 06:36 PM
Originally Posted by BrianTheMick2
It is actually right in the middle to upper part of its historical range compared to other real assets.

Of course, reality doesn't matter.
The fiat equivalent of one ounce of silver barely buys you a burger, fries, and a beer. Yet when fiat fails like in Argentina and silver resumes its natural role as money you can buy 3-4 months worth of food.

People today..... Like say..... Insurance agents, who provides absolutely zero real value for society are earning in fiat say $150/day which is the equivalent of 10 ounces of silver per day.

That just flies in the face of reality when it comes to wages being paid throughout history and even in much of the world today. Some chick working a rice paddy farm creating real value for 2$ a day has to work a week before she can acquire that silver ounce. Yet some worthless shmuck fleecing people for insurance of which they will never need is making the equivalent of 10 ounces of silver a day?

It's 100% backwards and there is going to be such a massive pendulum swing when the yuan gets back by gold or something of that sort.

China has been sponsoring to their citizenry to buy silver and gold for over 8 years now, there is a reason they are telling them to do that.
Silver Quote
01-01-2017 , 07:36 PM
How many oz of gold do you have Michael? And how many guns?
Silver Quote
01-01-2017 , 09:04 PM
Originally Posted by rafiki
How many oz of gold do you have Michael? And how many guns?
I have 4 AK-47 VEPR's from the famous Russian MOLOT factory. FIME group just started importing them.

1 Daniel Defense DD5V1 AR-15

1 Daniel Defense DDM4 ISR integral suppressor generation 2. AR-15

1 micro Draco AK-47 pistol


22 ounces of gold and about 800 ounces of silver.

Last edited by Michael1999; 01-01-2017 at 09:11 PM.
Silver Quote
01-01-2017 , 10:32 PM
Alright, I guess you're equipped to keep that gold safe, lol
Silver Quote
01-01-2017 , 10:47 PM
Until the lizard people shoot his ass up with a drone.
Silver Quote
01-01-2017 , 10:50 PM
Hate them not spiking there
Silver Quote
01-02-2017 , 10:41 AM
Originally Posted by Michael1999
I have 4 AK-47 VEPR's from the famous Russian MOLOT factory. FIME group just started importing them.

1 Daniel Defense DD5V1 AR-15

1 Daniel Defense DDM4 ISR integral suppressor generation 2. AR-15

1 micro Draco AK-47 pistol


22 ounces of gold and about 800 ounces of silver.
That is some awesome stackage! Well done. That micro ak47 is so cool, here is a video in case anyone wants to see one in action. It's a nice concealed carry as well

If someone pulls a knife on you and you whip out a mini AK, I think you are in pretty good shape lol.
Silver Quote
01-02-2017 , 12:38 PM
Originally Posted by Michael1999
I have 4 AK-47 VEPR's from the famous Russian MOLOT factory. FIME group just started importing them.

1 Daniel Defense DD5V1 AR-15

1 Daniel Defense DDM4 ISR integral suppressor generation 2. AR-15

1 micro Draco AK-47 pistol


22 ounces of gold and about 800 ounces of silver.
So you can probably stop someone with only 8 assault rifles. When that gold is worth millions, you're going to need to stop people who believe they will starve to death if they don't get it.
Silver Quote
01-02-2017 , 08:20 PM
Originally Posted by eastern motors
When that gold is worth millions, you're going to need to stop people who believe they will starve to death if they don't get it.
I'm tired of playing call of duty. Hope they bring it on.
Silver Quote
01-02-2017 , 08:29 PM
Originally Posted by Love Sosa
That is some awesome stackage! Well done. That micro ak47 is so cool, here is a video in case anyone wants to see one in action. It's a nice concealed carry as well

If someone pulls a knife on you and you whip out a mini AK, I think you are in pretty good shape lol.
I struggle some nights on the decision of whether to watch Brazzers or hickock.
Silver Quote
