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The Shark Tank The Shark Tank

10-25-2014 , 11:23 AM
I would like to invest in horse pants.
The Shark Tank Quote
10-25-2014 , 12:07 PM
Originally Posted by Conz
i didn't see what else they offered. i like dipping bread in olive oil, so id definitely try a lot of those flavors, but i can't imagine going somewhere strictly for oil. Were they paired with a bakery or something?

I thought the box "wine" was pretty great. i want to try it... secretly. and im such a lame, id probably reuse the boombox
Agreed the Oilerie seems like a novelty item but with that being said novelty items can make money. I think it could be paired well with cigars, hot sauces, baked breads..Would probably do well in high traffic areas like malls
The Shark Tank Quote
10-25-2014 , 12:39 PM
What was it about the honeyfund that pissed Cuban off so bad? He didn't wear their lei and was legitimately upset from the very beginning of their speech.
The Shark Tank Quote
10-25-2014 , 01:21 PM
Great episode imo

Cuban offered the boxwine 12x sales valuation or something or did I misshear? I heard they had like 260k in sales.... Seems like a crazy valuation for something that is an idea that should be easy to knock off. It was a great product though, and it'll have success for sure.

Honeyfund seemed like a great idea to me, people feel awkward giving money and presents usually suck. Seemed like to me like they could easily take a bit more from the top though. Since you're collecting money from family and friends I understand that they can't charge too much, but they were taking 1,5% or something? I don't think anyone would care if they took 2,5-3%.
The Shark Tank Quote
10-25-2014 , 03:51 PM
Originally Posted by bbfg
Honeyfund seemed like a great idea to me, people feel awkward giving money and presents usually suck. Seemed like to me like they could easily take a bit more from the top though. Since you're collecting money from family and friends I understand that they can't charge too much, but they were taking 1,5% or something? I don't think anyone would care if they took 2,5-3%.
Paypal is absolutely taking a cut, as well, so that probably factors in.
The Shark Tank Quote
10-25-2014 , 04:19 PM
If I understood correctly they don't take anything directly. But they have a deal with Paypal for a small cut as they direct a lot transactions to them.

Last edited by Jusbe; 10-25-2014 at 04:26 PM.
The Shark Tank Quote
10-25-2014 , 05:57 PM
I think this a great show.

Often when I am introduced to the idea, I think: ''wow, that's a great idea''. But then the sharks give reasons why it sucks, which then make a lot of sense.

So yeah definitely enjoyable and educational at the same time.
The Shark Tank Quote
10-25-2014 , 10:16 PM
Use your own CC processor
take 1%
3x your profits

Cant believe someone doing 60+mil a year is using paypal
The Shark Tank Quote
10-25-2014 , 10:37 PM
Originally Posted by ...|...
Use your own CC processor
take 1%
3x your profits

Cant believe someone doing 60+mil a year is using paypal
Hope you are good at spotting credit card fraud! Also, you'll have more customer service issues.

If I were them, I would have my own merchant account. But it's not as open and shut as you make it out to be.
The Shark Tank Quote
10-26-2014 , 12:02 AM
Originally Posted by ...|...
Use your own CC processor
take 1%
3x your profits

Cant believe someone doing 60+mil a year is using paypal
Agreed, it makes no sense to me either. I'm wondering if that's the basic idea that Robert had by investing in them. Another source of revenue for this site could be to partner with some all-inclusive vacation packages (eg. cruise lines or the airfair/bus/hotel/food package vacations).

Originally Posted by Conz
i didn't see what else they offered. i like dipping bread in olive oil, so id definitely try a lot of those flavors, but i can't imagine going somewhere strictly for oil. Were they paired with a bakery or something?
My wife started going to a similar place as one of these for oil. She really likes this type of stuff. You can use it for adding flavor to salads, veges, meats, pastas, etc. Supermarket olive oils generally don't add much flavor, whereas high quality ones add more flavor. To me, it's not quite worth the money, but it does make stuff taste better. I see the appeal though. Going to these olive oil stores is not JUST about the olive oil. It's sort of "an experience". I went to one of these stores. There's a bunch of different samples you can try. There was a "host" that shows you the different kinds of oils and has you taste them. The specific place I went also had fancy liquors/wines that you could taste as well.
The Shark Tank Quote
10-26-2014 , 12:23 AM
I'm really surprised Whole Foods or other similar specialty grocers have not introduced a small area dedicated to Oils similar to the Oilery set up. Maybe the floor space is too valuable and it takes up too much human intervention, but I wouldn't think either is a problem.

Beatbox is an awful name, and the branding is cheezy, but I guess who cares if they can make millions which they likely can now. Without getting on Shark Tank that product is likely eventually a total bust, unless the product taste like nectar from the gods with alcohol in it. Cuban was happy to get in and even over pay (he didn't bother saving a couple hundred $K and he could have) because he knows he can likely build it up owning a large piece and unload it to a large company for many times his initial investment.

Last edited by HighJaK; 10-26-2014 at 12:29 AM.
The Shark Tank Quote
10-26-2014 , 01:53 AM
Felt like too much got cut from the olive oil guy to really comment. Cuban liked him, so the guy clearly wasn't the loser that editing made it out to be. Cuban really seemed like he was about to cry at one point.

Honeyfund was just ugh from the start. Those aren't business people, and it just hurts to hear them spout dumb things they read in a magazine. They got to crowdfunding years before it existed, and years after crowdfunding exists they are now trying to ride that wave. They have a good lifestyle business that they lucked into. love how she rolled her eyes at Robert though. also lol at how Robert came down from 50 to 30% immediately [perhaps edited?]. Kevin's deal actually makes some sense for them though.

Beatbox is a snapcall for Cuban. He can take the risk, because the upside is massive. This was pretty clear very early in the pitch.

emergenSee...3m in? yikes.
The Shark Tank Quote
10-26-2014 , 07:14 AM
Kevin's deal was smart imo. The business surely wont die soon, but there being a big upside seemed kind of unlikely to me, unless they can increase their cut from the pie. His deal guarantees him trippling his investment for almost 0 risk.

Really good idea itt to partner with online stores to take a small cut there as well. Doesn't have to be limited to holidays, stuff like car sale websites, online retailers,... could be decent partnerships as well.
The Shark Tank Quote
10-26-2014 , 08:37 AM
EmergenSee was so terrible.
The Shark Tank Quote
10-26-2014 , 11:48 AM
Beatbox will most likely sell a lot to underage kids. I remember when i was 12-14 those fruity lemonade 40oz's came out and we always had people buying them for us. Never saw an adult drink them yet they are still around today.
The Shark Tank Quote
10-26-2014 , 12:20 PM
they seemed like four loko type flavors, 11% abv and if you care, not much sugar. i think the drink itself is pretty interesting as ive never heard of "orange wine." also the box sells it better than regular boxed wine, so they'll probably clean up at parties in summer months and in the all year round nice areas.
The Shark Tank Quote
10-26-2014 , 01:24 PM
Meh, I don't get the appeal of it. I would never buy that stuff, and I would certainly never invest in it. Then again, I guess that's why they are the Sharks, and I am me.
The Shark Tank Quote
10-26-2014 , 01:34 PM
Beatbox is fun for one season, but that's about it. For me personally it's never fun, I don't care how it looks like etc. I just want wine if I want wine even if it would come in a grey square box with ''WINE'' stamped on it. But I guess in general people are appealed to it, but not for long.

Last edited by Atlantis1; 10-26-2014 at 01:39 PM.
The Shark Tank Quote
10-26-2014 , 06:02 PM
I assumed the target demographic for beatbox was like 21-25ish. I wouldn't buy it, but I would in college.
The Shark Tank Quote
10-27-2014 , 02:57 AM
I'm 25, and I can see myself buying it .
The Shark Tank Quote
10-27-2014 , 02:29 PM
Agree with what's being said. Zero interest in it now but that would have been huge with my friends when we were undergrads. Think Cuban found a good one
The Shark Tank Quote
10-27-2014 , 09:44 PM
Second Shark Tank purchase!

Saw these on the shelves at Kroger and decided to pick one up to tackle some nasty pots that I have right now. I'm hoping it's as good as the inventor of it claims.
The Shark Tank Quote
10-27-2014 , 11:02 PM
come back with trip report. i saw them last year for close to 10$ so i didnt buy them in case it sucked.
The Shark Tank Quote
10-27-2014 , 11:21 PM
Originally Posted by ...|...
come back with trip report. i saw them last year for close to 10$ so i didnt buy them in case it sucked.
Seriously? $10? Crikeys. I picked one up for $3.99.

I'm too tired to tackle these pans tonight but will definitely do it sometime in the next couple of days (lol dirty kitchen bachelor life).
The Shark Tank Quote
10-28-2014 , 12:59 PM
I'm surprised there's not more posts about how cringeworthy the whole EmergenSee pitch was. I was surprised they were able to even register that as a trademark in view of the Emergen-C product (they did display the circle r symbol, although it wouldn't be the first time someone's jumped the gun on that) even though they're in different fields.

But this does show that the answer to a midlife crisis isn't to light fire to $3M when you don't live and breath the technology. You'll fail. In this case the sharks were spot on, and those guys should pull the plug or try somehow to sell the IP to another company for dimes on the dollar.
The Shark Tank Quote
