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The Shark Tank The Shark Tank

09-20-2013 , 11:16 PM
somewhat interesting episode. i definitely liked the Lori vs Barbara dynamic. Made for good TV. Also those two are arguably the most interesting sharks after Cuban and maybe Daymond. The Canadians are dead wood -- if Herjavec or O'Leary wasn't on the show I don't think I'd even notice.

the postal card idea was interesting. it actually seems like something that even I would pay for. It is amazing how much extra equity the entrepreneur was willing to give up just to make sure he got on TV. maybe he'll try to kill the deal later.

the food products -- kinda missed some numbers so it's tough to judge. Sweet pickles seems strange. Is that a regional thing? The cakeballs seemed inexpensive at retail, but maybe they were smaller than I thought. LOL at the idea that the entrepreneurs ever even considered not taking Cuban/Corcoran at a better valuation.

the doctors were so LOL. they are so clueless but have probably sunk some serious money into it.
The Shark Tank Quote
09-21-2013 , 04:59 AM
My first thought was that the post card guy was probably going to try to kill the deal or use it as some sort of backup while negotiating with other investors.

Cakeballs should have negotiated way harder, they had all 5 sharks interested and fighting for them, could have saved at least another 5% I think. The sharks started at 40% and then just bid themselves down to 25% and the guys never countered at all.

Doctors were so cringe worthy I've never been more tempted to fast forward mid-pitch.
The Shark Tank Quote
09-21-2013 , 06:12 AM
Decent first episode. I agree that the Lori/Barbara dynamic was an interesting twist, and probably worth doing again.

I was surprised the pickle ladies didn't get a deal. Probably a combination of a bit too high valuation and a niche product for high end. But the ladies weren't clueless by any means and the built-n publicity of airing on Shark Tank usually works well for food-related products.

Postcard idea seemed okay, but I see it as something that people will do a couple of times and then toss aside - that is, the group of steady, core users will be very small, in which case the business will have big problems. And the point about needing to leave room for getting acquired was very astute. Nice to see the group isn't talking down to the audience just because ratings seem to be getting higher.

Anyone else wonder if Robert was more active this week because he (or producers) got feedback that last year he was a waste of space who amounted to a glorified deal recapper rather than real bidder?
The Shark Tank Quote
09-21-2013 , 09:04 AM
Wtf $7 for pickles?

I can get spicy pickles at the dollar tree store for $1.
The Shark Tank Quote
09-21-2013 , 09:22 AM
Originally Posted by NLSoldier
My first thought was that the post card guy was probably going to try to kill the deal or use it as some sort of backup while negotiating with other investors.

Cakeballs should have negotiated way harder, they had all 5 sharks interested and fighting for them, could have saved at least another 5% I think. The sharks started at 40% and then just bid themselves down to 25% and the guys never countered at all.

Doctors were so cringe worthy I've never been more tempted to fast forward mid-pitch.
Post card guy seemed pretty desperate for cash. After taking the deal he seemed pretty relieved, so I would not be surprised to see him actually take it.

I did fastforward through the doctor pitch. Not sure why they showed it (I assume they tape more than the show). I guess it was so bad some may have found it entertaining.

I get why the pickle ladies got no deal. Its such a hard business to really scale and they had no real plan as to how to defend against others taking over. I do see value in gourmet pickles (I will buy expensive pickles as I hate the cheap ones other than for sandwiches), but its going ot be hard for a small business to get any real brand loyalty.

Agreed that cakeballs could have gotten a bit better valuations. That said, not sure its that great a business. I would buy them, but there is really nothing to stop others from making the same product.
The Shark Tank Quote
09-21-2013 , 11:21 AM
Doctors were so bad. If they were smart they'd realize that a million people have had their idea and the reason it doesn't exist is because nobody will ever make any money doing it.
The Shark Tank Quote
09-21-2013 , 02:01 PM
Originally Posted by JonnyA
Post card guy seemed pretty desperate for cash. After taking the deal he seemed pretty relieved, so I would not be surprised to see him actually take it.
That was definitely not my impression. They edited it to make him look that way, but I think the actual dynamic was Robert trying to beat him down on valuation because Robert knows how much value there is to getting on TV.

I did fastforward through the doctor pitch. Not sure why they showed it (I assume they tape more than the show). I guess it was so bad some may have found it entertaining.
I think there's a substantial portion of the audience who likes the awful pitches because of the resulting comments. I watched SharkTank once with some lawyer friends and they thought some of O'Leary's comments were hilarious.
The Shark Tank Quote
09-21-2013 , 03:06 PM
The postcard idea is not unique, I've seen a few different apps that are very similar, though I haven't seen the handwriting feature or QR codes (though huge LOL at granny scanning a QR code to see a thank you video).

I think Cuban was spot on, the product was being offered at a valuation pretty near its ceiling, other than being acquired by a major player. There was little room for profit among the sharks.
The Shark Tank Quote
09-22-2013 , 10:48 AM
Originally Posted by stinkypete
Doctors were so bad. If they were smart they'd realize that a million people have had their idea and the reason it doesn't exist is because nobody will ever make any money doing it.

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The Shark Tank Quote
09-23-2013 , 05:33 PM
Had a pretty big sugar craving after those cake balls
The Shark Tank Quote
09-24-2013 , 07:30 PM
I still don't get what the doctors were trying to pitch. I feel they were added for comical appeal. They just wanted to do Facebook for doctors and patients without figuring out what that meant and how to make money from it. They were 2 guys who had an idea while out drinking and just took it too far. I bet nothing they have is registered or trademarked. They seem completely business illiterate.

The sweet balls guys seemed like they knew what they were doing and just wanted to add Cuban's name to their company at any cost. They mainly needed a short term loan and some connections and figured getting the free publicity of Shark Tank and Mark Cuban's name was worth the % of their company.

Not sure their deal will get finalized after they get their free publicity and find it's easier to reach out to people after being on Shark Tank.
The Shark Tank Quote
09-27-2013 , 09:24 PM
I really like the Breathometer idea.
The Shark Tank Quote
09-27-2013 , 10:42 PM
Originally Posted by OppositeAttract
I really like the Breathometer idea.
Looks like a lot of competitors coming on the market. If I was going to pay for a breathalyzer, I would probably pay $100 for a more accurate unit vs $50 for Breathometer.
The Shark Tank Quote
09-28-2013 , 01:48 AM
breathometer idea was good but idk why he wanted all the sharks , cuban seems like the ideal partner here .
The Shark Tank Quote
09-28-2013 , 06:00 AM
Okay episode - a bit of a step down from last week IMO.

Two weeks in, and two "food" companies that didn't get deals (pickles last week, mango stuff this week). And here I thought those were always cash cows, if only for all the publicity. Guess not.

I keep thinking it's time to introduce my sons to the show (ages 9 and 7), since I know others who watch with their kids. But boy oh boy am I glad I waited until after this episode, because otherwise I'd be hearing "spread it, mix it, shake it, stir it" over and over and over.
The Shark Tank Quote
09-28-2013 , 03:40 PM
Food companies. Nothing proprietary --> Kevin is out!
The Shark Tank Quote
09-29-2013 , 12:43 AM
Originally Posted by OppositeAttract
I really like the Breathometer idea.
why? it's not like a million people haven't had this idea. if you're gonna like it like the product or his business plan.
The Shark Tank Quote
09-29-2013 , 01:58 AM
I guess I should have used the word "product" instead of idea. I did like that it was fairly adaptable, being able to be plugged into your phone and will always approve of products that can help save lives in society. Regardless of how saturated the market may be for a product in this field may be.
The Shark Tank Quote
09-29-2013 , 03:07 PM
I can't believe I've never heard of this show before. Checking out some Dragon's Den videos and came across some solid gold pitches. Like the ex RCMP guy who came up with an anti photo radar, LOL.

Here's one where the final word at the end had me on the floor laughing, this women is great.
The Shark Tank Quote
10-05-2013 , 04:18 AM
Thought the spray and the hat were two of the worst products ever but the rapid ramen was awesome and I was pretty surprised he didn't get an even better deal.
The Shark Tank Quote
10-05-2013 , 06:01 AM
Episode was kind of a notch below.

The spray was just silly. I almost wonder if at this point on the show they need to have a valuation minimum, since as a viewer I think products/companies with a valuation south of $250,000 just seem too insignificant. I can only wonder what the sharks feel, although I guess the "home run" potential is greater with those. Biggest LOL part of the spray presentation was I think one of them had the word "camp" in them - all I know is if I'm a parent and I need to buy one of these for a kid who's old enough to go to sleepaway camp, then I call child protective services on myself.

As for the hat, it looked exactly like the nightcaps that the kids in Little House on the Prairie used to wear to bed. Maybe with a better design it could be something, but facepalm at the impossible to read logo ("cap" or "carp") and at the apparently misprinted "flammable" on the label. Amateur hour.

I think Kevin was right about the Ramen cooker. It will make a decent splash, but between the fact that people will only every need to buy one and the knockoff potential it was a risky investment overall.
The Shark Tank Quote
10-05-2013 , 06:17 AM
i was very impressed with rapid ramen guy , dk how he wil handle the eventual knockoffs but he seems very bright and he seems like a guy that would be successful .
The Shark Tank Quote
10-05-2013 , 03:14 PM
Fist pumped when Cuban jumped back in to deal with ramen guy. That's a winner.
The Shark Tank Quote
10-05-2013 , 04:51 PM
Ya cheered for Ramen guy too. Had to ffwd the girls with the cooking hats. Like I couldn't even stomach to watch it.
The Shark Tank Quote
10-06-2013 , 09:04 PM
I think Cuban offered the ramen guy a deal partly because he got annoyed by O'Leary and Robert's act.
The Shark Tank Quote
