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02-03-2012 , 08:27 PM
Originally Posted by Phresh
Man, seoMOZ is such an awesome site for articles. It's so difficult not to spend hours on there. How great is the PRO account? I'd like to check one out in the future.
They have a 30 day trial, then when you cancel your account and do a survey they give you another 7 days. However if you dont sign up and get the pro after the 7 days you lose all your data.
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02-04-2012 , 04:54 PM
Can anyone recommend ad networks that meet the following criterias:

- cpm only
- accepts non-usa impressions
- (optional) video ads

Our site has ~250k monthly pageviews and ~48k monthly uniques, traffic is ~75% from europe & ~15% usa. According to this list Altitude Digital Partners is the only matching network, anyone who has some experience with them?
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02-04-2012 , 05:15 PM
Originally Posted by kyleb
I had an account with Gullanian. I thought it was not worth it.
Is this a typo? Did you mean an account with SEOmoz?
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02-05-2012 , 04:36 AM
Would you typically work with a team on a website or is it done mostly individually? I've always felt like I had some great ideas for websites but lack the technical skills and wherewithall to actually make it happen.
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02-05-2012 , 09:53 AM
Originally Posted by Rak
Can anyone recommend ad networks that meet the following criterias:

- cpm only
- accepts non-usa impressions
- (optional) video ads

Our site has ~250k monthly pageviews and ~48k monthly uniques, traffic is ~75% from europe & ~15% usa. According to this list Altitude Digital Partners is the only matching network, anyone who has some experience with them?

it's part of AOL. It has it's own adserver - adtech. Really powerfull. It has mobile and text too. It was originally and is still HQed in Europe.

valueclick. Good CPMs and biggest CPS - cj. Though I don't know if it's international but it's a large network, so I guess you will find some buyers.

google's doubleclick. It's an adserver and a network. You can use their server with other networks too. It's free for 9m. impressions.

You should know that these are high end networks and your site has to be a quality one. Also not all content is suited. You should just contact them.
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02-05-2012 , 05:33 PM
Originally Posted by JasonInDallas
Is this a typo? Did you mean an account with SEOmoz?
I believe he is saying they both shared an SEOmoz account.

Originally Posted by SimonStylesTheActo
Would you typically work with a team on a website or is it done mostly individually? I've always felt like I had some great ideas for websites but lack the technical skills and wherewithall to actually make it happen.
Three core skills going into a website IMO. Coding, design and content/conversions. One person can do all that for a small site but it's not uncommon to have someone (or more than one person for each core role). If you can't at least get a Wordpress site up and running I would start there and then you will have a feel for what you might need.
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02-05-2012 , 07:28 PM
Other way round! Kyleb was kind enough to let me use his account for a while to try out SEOMoz.

SEOMoz emailed me saying it's OK for friends to share accounts, was considering seeing if anyone wanted to share one and split the cost but I think it's going to be a headache to setup tbh. $99/pm seems too much, but I'd be in for 1/2 - 1/5 of that possibly.
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02-06-2012 , 01:15 PM
Can someone explain to me what exactly the Genesis framework is and how it fits in with Wordpress? Not sure I really get it or what child themes are either.
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02-06-2012 , 01:37 PM
A theme framework is just a set collection of CSS, HTML, and images that typically offer a good starting point for your own customized theme. A child theme is a theme you create based off that framework. It inherits all of the CSS rules of the parent (Genesis) and then adds in and over-rides anything you put in the child.

Basically if you're not a theme developer you probably shouldn't be using a framework - you would want a finished theme based off that framework.
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02-06-2012 , 02:29 PM
Nice explanation, thanks.

Im going to put a few Wordpress jobs up on Elance or Freelancer for a few different business's eg an accountant, a restaurant. Should I just ask for them to recommend themes or should I research a few and ask to see them?

Is there a central repository for themes or are they all over the place?
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02-06-2012 , 02:41 PM
I'm not exactly sure what you are asking but every theme I have ever bought came from and the good designers seem to make good money over there.
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02-06-2012 , 03:12 PM
I guess Im saying do I tell the contractor which theme I want or do I let them give me a few options.

If I need to pick the theme I guess I have to look around at places like, woothemes etc.

Still trying to get my head around themes. Trying to figure it out for some friends of mine who are more clueless than me.
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02-06-2012 , 03:31 PM
Originally Posted by slamdunka
I guess Im saying do I tell the contractor which theme I want or do I let them give me a few options.

If I need to pick the theme I guess I have to look around at places like, woothemes etc.

Still trying to get my head around themes. Trying to figure it out for some friends of mine who are more clueless than me.
I would probably pick the theme. That way you can get close to what you want. If you go the other way you could end up with sports based themes for doctors. Just an example of what can go wrong. By picking the theme yourself and having them modify it you will start out a lot closer to the end product.
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02-06-2012 , 03:34 PM
i have a noobiesh question about Genesis/Thesis, etc, since i've only been using Elegant Themes (and the one Theme Forest theme i bought).

what would they provide me that Elegant Themes doesn't? is it the ease of use in moving things around on a page (like, putting a 300x150 px box here, a sidebar there etc)?

it's more than just an aesthetic difference right? because as far as aesthetics and functionality (from the website visitor's perspective), Elegant Themes seems to be at minimum as good as Genesis/Thesis and at lower cost. plus you get like 60 or 70 themes.
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02-06-2012 , 05:03 PM
Hope you guys dont mind my noob questions.

Is there a way I can just "have a play" with wordpress or do I need a hosted site to do that?

Will be using .org eventually.
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02-06-2012 , 06:05 PM
You can download WAMPServer - - and then wordpress and play all you want. Install WP to c:\wamp\www\sitename\ turn on WAMPServer and then point your browser to or http://localhost/sitename/.

Personally I would let your designer pick your theme, especially if you're not well versed in WP themes. No matter what theme they pick you would still have control/say over
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02-06-2012 , 08:50 PM
Originally Posted by ballistic9

it's part of AOL. It has it's own adserver - adtech. Really powerfull. It has mobile and text too. It was originally and is still HQed in Europe.

valueclick. Good CPMs and biggest CPS - cj. Though I don't know if it's international but it's a large network, so I guess you will find some buyers.

google's doubleclick. It's an adserver and a network. You can use their server with other networks too. It's free for 9m. impressions.

You should know that these are high end networks and your site has to be a quality one. Also not all content is suited. You should just contact them.
Thanks for the tips, looked really promising untill I saw its US and CAN impressions only . valueclick is US only too, not sure yet about doubleclick. Trying ADP now, but generally it seems to be very hard to find a CPM ad network that doesn't only care about US impressions.
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02-07-2012 , 06:14 AM
Originally Posted by BradleyT
You can download WAMPServer - - and then wordpress and play all you want. Install WP to c:\wamp\www\sitename\ turn on WAMPServer and then point your browser to or http://localhost/sitename/.

Personally I would let your designer pick your theme, especially if you're not well versed in WP themes. No matter what theme they pick you would still have control/say over
Cool, Thanks.
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02-07-2012 , 12:26 PM
Originally Posted by slamdunka
Hope you guys dont mind my noob questions.

Is there a way I can just "have a play" with wordpress or do I need a hosted site to do that?

Will be using .org eventually.
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02-07-2012 , 03:36 PM
Do you guys know if gTalk or Skype can have a phone number associated with it (for free) and have landlines make calls to it? Trying to setup customer service for the site I work for.

Also, do any of you have experience with live customer service chat apps for your sites? If so, please give me some recommendations. I see lots of them, but I'm not sure which are the best.
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02-07-2012 , 03:52 PM
Originally Posted by Phresh
Do you guys know if gTalk or Skype can have a phone number associated with it (for free) and have landlines make calls to it? Trying to setup customer service for the site I work for.

Also, do any of you have experience with live customer service chat apps for your sites? If so, please give me some recommendations. I see lots of them, but I'm not sure which are the best.
Skype costs money (SkypeIn) but not much.

gTalk is the text chat app for google.

Google Voice is what you want. Free phone number for incoming calls, with answering service (and speech to text!), call forwarding etc.
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02-07-2012 , 03:58 PM
Google Voice is definitely good for the cost, though the answering service is kind of annoying. I'm trained to auto hang up when I hear an automated voice, forgetting that's how the system routes calls.
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02-07-2012 , 04:06 PM
We use Skype, I can't remember how much we pay exactly but we get an 0208... London land phone number for ~£20 a year I think, it's really good/cheap, highly recommend it. There's no way any customer knows it's Skype.
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02-07-2012 , 04:31 PM
Originally Posted by Fistdantilus
Google Voice is definitely good for the cost, though the answering service is kind of annoying. I'm trained to auto hang up when I hear an automated voice, forgetting that's how the system routes calls.
It didn't used to do that - any idea if you can turn it off?
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02-07-2012 , 04:45 PM
So we have Google Voice setup. I think we'll go with that. And I'm using Provide Support for our live chat. The price seems reasonable and the demo works well.
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