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01-25-2012 , 12:36 AM
Google will still crawl your pages with a disallow in robots.txt they just won't keep it in the index. Not to mention someone could scrape your content and index it before you and then you are the duplicate content. 900 pieces of content is way outside the norm I agree with Phresh very likely to cause problems although I'm not sure exactly what. Google's pretty smart and it just looks manipulative.

In regards to how fast they crawl, it has a lot to do with how important Google thinks your site is (links, social). Sitemaps schedules and whatever have no effect IME, one trick I did find is if you try and Google preview (the arrow to the right of the SERP listings) the page you want indexed from multiple IPs it seems to get indexed soon after.
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01-25-2012 , 01:00 AM
Thanks, very interesting trick with regard to the Google preview. I have all the posts done as drafts so it's just a matter of clicking publish occasionally and or just pre scheduling them.

Fwiw it also just occurred to me someone might wonder why the hell I'd build up 900 original posts and not just publish them as I made them. I didn;t steal them or anything. When you're on a boat in the middle of the Pacific for 2 months you have plenty of time to create content but no way to get online.
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01-25-2012 , 01:03 AM
Yeah, I was curious. That's awesome though. Generating content is hard for me because I don't have sites I care about really. I'm going to change that soon though. Yeah, definitely trickle them. Or if they're high-quality info, you could put the best ones in an eBook and sell it. It depends on your goals though.
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01-25-2012 , 02:28 PM
Right now I'm working on a website where I have around 60 submissions almost ready to go. Planning on posting them once every 2 days while I grind twitter to promote the site. Probably by the time I actually launch I will have around 80 submissions or 160 days worth of content ready. It's food related fyi.
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01-25-2012 , 02:31 PM
Neat. You might want to guest post some of those on related food blogs with links back to your site. If the content is good then good blogs should enjoy the free content and wouldn't have a problem helping you promote it.

"For more neat articles like this, bookmark *your site* and enjoy our fresh articles, brought to you every 2 days!"
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01-25-2012 , 02:35 PM
Originally Posted by Rak
Youtube partnership is close to impossible because every single video in the channel contains copyright protected material (mostly music). We thought about audioswapping or starting from scratch to meet partnership requirements, but among other things this would heavily decrease the quality of past and future video content.
I developed a site that was planning on using youtube videos of live concerts to promote/drive traffic and generate content on this music fan website but that idea went bad as soon as I saw warnings of copyrighted material from youtube. I thought taking videos of live concerts is fair use but after a lot of research I discovered it was not so I deleted videos that took me almost 5 consecutive days to upload on YT. Oh well.
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01-25-2012 , 02:38 PM
I received a lot of backlinks from the scraper sites of YT redistributing my video information on their sites. So you can probably generate some crappy links by including your URL in the video. YT is nofollow, but I think a lot of the other sites aren't. Either way, if you're going to upload videos ever, you might as well include the URL in the info for the halibut.
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01-25-2012 , 02:40 PM
Originally Posted by Phresh
Neat. You might want to guest post some of those on related food blogs with links back to your site. If the content is good then good blogs should enjoy the free content and wouldn't have a problem helping you promote it.

"For more neat articles like this, bookmark *your site* and enjoy our fresh articles, brought to you every 2 days!"
Good idea!

Eventually creating some kind of ebook will be one of my strategies to monetize the site but that comes later.
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01-25-2012 , 02:47 PM
60 submissions?

did you write these yourself?
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01-25-2012 , 02:50 PM
Yep. As well as all of the pictures.
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01-25-2012 , 03:06 PM
very impressive. you should write an article on writing articles
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01-25-2012 , 03:21 PM
That's too meta for me, sry.

I'm not saying that I'm good at it or anything but I'm getting better as I go along. Practice makes perfect.

One pro tip on getting that much volume: be freaking passionate about your subject matter and it will just flow. Obvious but true.
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01-25-2012 , 05:51 PM
quick wordpress question for you experts:

i'm putting together a blog to showcase to employers but i don't want it to look like i just created it this week, even tho i did.

so i'm thinking about essentially lying about my publish dates. instead of dumping 10 articles under the date January 25th, i'm going to space them out over a couple of months starting in late november 2011. this way it looks like i've been doing something for those months.

can the lie be easily discovered by the employers?

(this sounds like a bad idea now that i actually read what i'm saying)
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01-25-2012 , 06:29 PM
No one is going to check. Just make sure that publication dates don't show up incorrectly in the URL. You want to avoid something like if the article says it was published in November 2011.
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01-25-2012 , 10:19 PM
Originally Posted by Phresh
Lol, no. It depends on the niche, but the average is nowhere near below .1%. You're looking at something other than an AdSense CTR. I have a site which is 10% long term. I'd say 2-5% are average for a successful site. Like I said, it depends on the niche, and 8% is definitely above average, but not astronomical or impossible. A huge lyrics site probably gets a bajillion hits a day and has a TINY CTR because the ads aren't targeted. A site about furniture or something with older searchers perhaps will have many more clickers. Many niches have much higher CPCs so the CTR doesn't have to be huge to make a good stream of revenue.

I'm just listing a favorable set of conditions that'd make buying that site +EV. And like I said, there's likely many more profitable monetization methods than AdSense. If you can make good money with AdSense ads, you can likely contact the advertisers directly and set something more profitable up.
My little trial MFA site that I put very little effort into converts at 3%, so I would believe that 8% is reachable with a good site design and ads coming up that people naturally are interested in.
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01-25-2012 , 10:26 PM
Originally Posted by derosnec
quick wordpress question for you experts:

i'm putting together a blog to showcase to employers but i don't want it to look like i just created it this week, even tho i did.

so i'm thinking about essentially lying about my publish dates. instead of dumping 10 articles under the date January 25th, i'm going to space them out over a couple of months starting in late november 2011. this way it looks like i've been doing something for those months.

can the lie be easily discovered by the employers?

(this sounds like a bad idea now that i actually read what i'm saying)
Go into the PHP files and just delete the dates so nothing shows up. You'll need to edit them in home/index, single, page, archive and maybe something else depending on the theme. They'll be something like <php date; time> or some ****. Just search for date and delete the string from < to > and it won't even show the date. You can also delete the author too.

Also turn off the publishing dates in the permalinks. Just go to custom structure and type in /%postname% and it'll be
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01-26-2012 , 01:13 AM
Originally Posted by derosnec
quick wordpress question for you experts:

i'm putting together a blog to showcase to employers but i don't want it to look like i just created it this week, even tho i did.

so i'm thinking about essentially lying about my publish dates. instead of dumping 10 articles under the date January 25th, i'm going to space them out over a couple of months starting in late november 2011. this way it looks like i've been doing something for those months.

can the lie be easily discovered by the employers?

(this sounds like a bad idea now that i actually read what i'm saying)
Better not be a brand new domain either lol.
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01-26-2012 , 02:13 AM
it is. ugh. i guess anyone can see when it was registered. oh well. maybe honesty is best in the long run anyways i could leave the dates out altogether on the posts and therefore not technically lie.
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01-26-2012 , 03:02 AM
I think it's a positive thing if you can build a cool looking website in a few days. Remember when I posted that site for critiques? Let's just say it worked out very well All of the pages I posted were over a one week span. It's very very unlikely anyone would even think about that even if you were looking for a web dev or SEO position IMO.
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01-26-2012 , 03:27 AM
Originally Posted by Gullanian
Anyone used BuySellAds? Experimenting with it now. My only query is some websites that claim for example 1.5m impressions seem to have lest backlinks, lower alexa rank than our site. Suspiciously low FB followers and high Twitter followers (75x more twitter followers than FB fans). shows it having less visits than we do as well.

I am sceptical of some of the sites on there and am sticking to the ones I know for now. Anyone have similar thoughts?
I sell a lot of ads on BSA. What do you want to know?
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01-26-2012 , 07:24 AM
Originally Posted by derosnec
it is. ugh. i guess anyone can see when it was registered. oh well. maybe honesty is best in the long run anyways i could leave the dates out altogether on the posts and therefore not technically lie.
I don't even get why you care? They're not going to be impressed that it took you 3 months to build 10 pages.
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01-26-2012 , 12:46 PM
in my mind it looks more natural, and makes me look a little more established and less nooby, to have a blog that has a post every week for last 10 weeks than one that has all 10 posts in its first week.

the more than i think about it though the more i realize it likely doesn't matter.
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01-26-2012 , 12:53 PM
Originally Posted by maxtower
I sell a lot of ads on BSA. What do you want to know?
Not really a question but just my concern with them is that there are a lot of scam sites being operated, as someone buying ads it takes me a lot of time to sift through all these bad sites and find decent ones.

For example it's not hard to find a site which claims 1,000,000 impressions but when you visit it they have about 12 twitter followers and 5 facebook followers, searching for them on Google you get no non-spam backlinks etc. It's a shame because BSA is a great platform and idea but I just can't trust the stats they provide and sell on based on looking at some of the sites.

I bought 2 on high quality sites that I trust that are doing well, and 1 on a site which in review is difficult to discern if it's getting as many genuine impressions as it claims. Leaves me feeling like I might have been duped which makes me very unconfident with BSA as a whole.
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01-27-2012 , 02:50 AM
Originally Posted by Gullanian
Not really a question but just my concern with them is that there are a lot of scam sites being operated, as someone buying ads it takes me a lot of time to sift through all these bad sites and find decent ones.

For example it's not hard to find a site which claims 1,000,000 impressions but when you visit it they have about 12 twitter followers and 5 facebook followers, searching for them on Google you get no non-spam backlinks etc. It's a shame because BSA is a great platform and idea but I just can't trust the stats they provide and sell on based on looking at some of the sites.

I bought 2 on high quality sites that I trust that are doing well, and 1 on a site which in review is difficult to discern if it's getting as many genuine impressions as it claims. Leaves me feeling like I might have been duped which makes me very unconfident with BSA as a whole.
BSA reports to me how many clicks the ads I sell are receiving, so you could email the site owners and ask how many clicks you could expect. The ads that perform best on my site are ones that are advertising something closely related to my content.
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01-27-2012 , 01:23 PM
Your missing the point of what I'm saying, I'm saying that a lot of sites on there seem to be reporting false quantities traffic
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