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March 2013 Trading Thread March 2013 Trading Thread

03-13-2013 , 10:40 PM
Originally Posted by Truthsayer
.........and AIG needed a bailout, but its core business, business environment and reach is not that different from when it was at $1000.........
You cannot be serious ???
March 2013 Trading Thread Quote
03-13-2013 , 10:43 PM
AIG looks like a sell over the medium term to me. I wouldn't be adding here, it might be a value I don't know. I do know I wouldn't be buying here.
March 2013 Trading Thread Quote
03-13-2013 , 10:53 PM
Originally Posted by czarczar
please tell us EXACTLY what about their financials from 2000-2006. How does today's numbers in whatever you are talking about compare favorably?

Please be specific.
Their insanely good price/book, combined with the fact that they're a major player in a great sector, is what gets me excited. They have a business that's comparable in sales to 02-06 ($70 billion now vs $113 billion in 06), with all signs of growing, which indicates to me that this in excellent spot to put money in for long term value. They're pulling in approximately $70 billion in revenues with a decent profit margin similar to before the crash; they're still a world leading insurance company and have half a trillion in assets with significantly lowered liabilities, which is the reason for an excellent book value. And they have a reason for being so poorly priced - a crash and near bankruptcy followed by a bailout, full recovery from which is guaranteed but not immediately clear yet from the financials and EPS. This is precisely the spot you want to put money in.

Here's a pretty picture for you to make it clearer:

IMO insurance is an excellent business with lots of potential for long term growth (just look at Buffett), and AIG are still an enormous company with only modest margin & revenue improvements needed to blow out the current market valuation.
March 2013 Trading Thread Quote
03-13-2013 , 11:18 PM
Originally Posted by domer2
question: what's the best brokerage in terms of low fees on options trading? I've been told interactive brokers. I'm on a free trade promo right now, but will want a low-cost option once that runs out.
anyone? anyone?
March 2013 Trading Thread Quote
03-13-2013 , 11:39 PM
Sorry domer, I don't trade options.

S&P 500: Has really tightened up over the last few days. 1548-1555 is the range to watch tomorrow. Below 1548, we have the 10day (1539), and 1531 as possible suport area. Our bigger range remains 1525-1576.

AAPL: It's not looking too good. Every rally attempt continues to get sold. The prices between 3/4 and 3/14 is forming a bear flag. I'm pretty open to selling AAPL in the next two sessions unless I see upside volume come into the stock.

ZNGA: Possibly put in a bottom to the selling today at $3.57 today. This one still looks fine.

CELG: Tested $114 today, but failed. Stock continues to look fine. I continue to freeroll CELG.

No plans to buy anything tomorrow. I'll sell AAPL if we get a low volume rally or my stop gets triggered.
March 2013 Trading Thread Quote
03-13-2013 , 11:52 PM
Originally Posted by highstakesfan
You cannot be serious ???
Yeah there business was kinda sleazy. The $1,000 split corrected price was just an inflated price not real value. Much like their business at the time it wasn't sustainable.

Originally Posted by domer2
anyone? anyone?
I believe all the big boys use IB
March 2013 Trading Thread Quote
03-14-2013 , 01:13 AM
Originally Posted by Truthsayer
I'm in AIG for the long haul. It's absurdly undervalued. My test for buying a value stock is: would I buy the whole company if I had 10x its market cap in funds to play with? AIG is a screaming yes. For a comparison of a company with the same P/E, AAPL is a screaming no.

AIG sat at over $1000 for ten years. It collapsed with debts from the 2008 GFC and needed a bailout, but its core business, business environment and reach is not that different from when it was at $1000. It has recently left all of its GFC troubles behind; has spun off unprofitable businesses, and is in excellent shape. A good quarter or two and this thing is going to head north very quickly.
Not really true. AIG issued so many shares and warrants in late 2008 and then a massive reverse split (1:20) after those huge issues and warrants in 2009 that it really muddied up historical data. You're telling me AIG had a 2 trillion dollar market cap before things hit the fan? C`mon man.

Not saying AIG is a terrible business, I had shares earlier this year and cashed out a little too early in this run but to look at historical charts and to think they have any chance to get back to pre lehman levels is ridiculous.
March 2013 Trading Thread Quote
03-14-2013 , 01:39 AM
just sold cisco after purchasing about a year and a bit ago when it hit 15.50.. sold at the 52 week high of 21.50.. missed the the previous 52 week hi of 22.xx... still made around 600+cash divs of 100 ish.. weeeeeeeeeeee
March 2013 Trading Thread Quote
03-14-2013 , 06:14 AM
Originally Posted by highstakesfan
$34 to $39 is sideways ? With math like that, I see why this is a no brainer for you

13% for the rest of us.
2/1 to 3/14

6 weeks. My mistake. I better make 100% sure of those dates when dealing with people with no valid arguments I suppose
March 2013 Trading Thread Quote
03-14-2013 , 10:10 AM
Hey dudes, struggling to understand my stop-limit order, advanced guys your help would be appreciated.

So stock is 2.71, decided for learning experience to sell via setting stop-limit with stop of 3.85. Every time I submit it, it triggers right away to a limit order. Is that because my limit value is less than my stop value? (chose 3.83 for limit)

Was my understanding that once my stop is hit, I'm converting to a limit order at the limit I set. I decided to set the limit slightly below the stop. Am I butchering this?
March 2013 Trading Thread Quote
03-14-2013 , 10:22 AM
Sell limits should be below the market, and buys should be above
March 2013 Trading Thread Quote
03-14-2013 , 10:34 AM
Raising my stop On AAPL here. If it doesn't trigger I'll take a a look in the afternoon to determine sell or hold.
March 2013 Trading Thread Quote
03-14-2013 , 10:37 AM
Originally Posted by rafiki
Hey dudes, struggling to understand my stop-limit order, advanced guys your help would be appreciated.

So stock is 2.71, decided for learning experience to sell via setting stop-limit with stop of 3.85. Every time I submit it, it triggers right away to a limit order. Is that because my limit value is less than my stop value? (chose 3.83 for limit)

Was my understanding that once my stop is hit, I'm converting to a limit order at the limit I set. I decided to set the limit slightly below the stop. Am I butchering this?
Think of stop-limit order as a stop-loss order. It should be below the current price.
March 2013 Trading Thread Quote
03-14-2013 , 11:37 AM
Originally Posted by jb514
Sell limits should be below the market, and buys should be above
Originally Posted by BigBiceps
Think of stop-limit order as a stop-loss order. It should be below the current price.
Ah ok thanks guys. So assuming I'd like to trigger a sell at a certain gain, I'm best off with just a limit order at that price? And I understand that there is no guarantee that my order is filled at the price I name.
March 2013 Trading Thread Quote
03-14-2013 , 11:38 AM
Originally Posted by rafiki
Ah ok thanks guys. So assuming I'd like to trigger a sell at a certain gain, I'm best off with just a limit order at that price?
March 2013 Trading Thread Quote
03-14-2013 , 12:15 PM
Sold AAPL at 433.23 for a rouboust .23c gain .

I might get more into the rationale tonight, but basically there is no volume in this stock as of right now. Unless volume comes in soon there is about 7 more pts of upside and 33 points + points of downside. There is more rationale to it than that...If I have time, I'll post a chart later tonight to discuss.

I remain in the camp that AAPL is going to find a bottom soon. I will be keeping this stock on the watchlist for a possible re-entry down the road.

5-8-1 record in my 2013 trades. Still down 2.47% YTD (not counting remaining CELG shares and ZNGA)

15% ZNGA 12.5% CELG 72.5% CASH

Last edited by savant111; 03-14-2013 at 12:23 PM.
March 2013 Trading Thread Quote
03-14-2013 , 12:17 PM
Originally Posted by savant111
Sold AAPL at 433.23 for a rouboust .23c gain .

I might get more into the rationale tonight, but basically there is no volume in this stock as of right now. Unless volume comes in soon there is about 7 more pts of upside and 33 points + points of downside. There is more rationale to it than that...If I have time, I'll post a chart later tonight to discuss.

I remain in the camp that AAPL is going to find a bottom soon. I will be keeping this stock on the watchlist for a possible re-entry down the road.
Please post chart if you have time. Really enjoy reading your breakdowns. Thanks.
March 2013 Trading Thread Quote
03-14-2013 , 12:37 PM
Originally Posted by jb514
Sell limits should be below the market, and buys should be above
Fail, I meant to say stops. A sell limit below the market will execute immediatly
March 2013 Trading Thread Quote
03-14-2013 , 12:38 PM
Originally Posted by savant111

5-8-1 record in my 2013 trades. Still down 2.47% YTD (not counting remaining CELG shares and ZNGA)

15% ZNGA 12.5% CELG 72.5% CASH
I'm not sure if the 5-8-1 includes your current posistions. IMO your not cutting your losses enough or letting your winner run enough if you aren't profitable with that kind of record. IMO winners should be able to out pace losers by at least 2-1. Obviously, I don't know your methodology as well as you but after lots of experience I would say you are falling short somewhere in there. Your doing way better than most though by being only down 2.4%.

GL savant I don't doubt you will be a winner and possibly a big one by the end of the year.
March 2013 Trading Thread Quote
03-14-2013 , 01:08 PM
(last positions)sbux (54.595) -15% bbby (55.46) -5%
celg 10% (104.165) -20% ges (27.15)

60 fb march 31 puts @ 1.55
50 dhi feb 21 puts @ .49
20 lnkd march 110 puts @ 2.12
10 lnkd may 120 puts at 1.35
10 spxs april 12 calls @ 2.295
12 anf apr 46 puts , @ 2.295
20 anf apr 46 puts @ 1.33
24 fb apr 29 puts @ 1.84 avg
10 msft apr 29 puts @ 1.16 ((())))

with me now selling all my celg @ 114.25 and bcor which i bought 20-30 odd cents lower. I am officially 100% short. in fact , leveraged short with my options. it is probably the wrong move, but someone did say we are going to have on down day this week.. option expiration sounds like a good day to me. so yes, this is me calling the top at near 156.60 on the spy . dumb dumb move.
March 2013 Trading Thread Quote
03-14-2013 , 01:11 PM
Originally Posted by actionzip54
I'm not sure if the 5-8-1 includes your current posistions. IMO your not cutting your losses enough or letting your winner run enough if you aren't profitable with that kind of record. IMO winners should be able to out pace losers by at least 2-1. Obviously, I don't know your methodology as well as you but after lots of experience I would say you are falling short somewhere in there. Your doing way better than most though by being only down 2.4%.

GL savant I don't doubt you will be a winner and possibly a big one by the end of the year.
Thanks Zip,

The record includes CELG (because my stop now is well above any amount that would make me a loser in the trade) but the percentage does not reflect the amount I'm up in the remaining shares. The record does not include ZNGA.

I'm pretty good about cutting losses. I made one critical error in February, not selling BAC soon enough during the February correction. That error reflects about half the money I'm down thus far this year.

Letting winners run is exactly where I'm falling short. I'm a notorious panic seller. I made a few changes to my trading plan so that the general market doesn't shake me out of my best positions. Letting CELG run for a little here has been my first step in the right direction. OCN and one of my KLIC trades I could of stayed in a bit longer back in January.

Another thing that is holding me back is being under invested. I've spent too much time in 100% Cash where having 25-35% long exposure would have been better.

Last, I spent too much planning time in January trying to game the big short I thought was coming in January. I was getting too counter trend during that time. Part of the reason was lack of experience with markets at 52 weeks highs, doing a slow sideways grind. Feel like I'm handling this market (which is similar) better (though KORS kind of ****ed me).

We'll see how I end up. If I wind up +20% or -10% I won't be too results oriented either way. I know I still have work to do and I know I'm getting closer to figuring things out. I appreciate the vote of confidence though .

Last edited by savant111; 03-14-2013 at 01:19 PM.
March 2013 Trading Thread Quote
03-14-2013 , 01:12 PM
Originally Posted by actionzip54
......... winners should be able to out pace losers by at least 2-1.......
I don't know about that, at least when it comes to daytrading or swingtrading.

You can easily have twice as many losses as wins, and still be a winning trader.

You need to nip the losers in the bud is the key.

You can have 3 losses of 2-3% and one winner of 10% will get you in the black.

I think most true daytraders rack up more losses then wins ???
March 2013 Trading Thread Quote
03-14-2013 , 01:24 PM
Originally Posted by highstakesfan
I don't know about that, at least when it comes to daytrading or swingtrading.

You can easily have twice as many losses as wins, and still be a winning trader.

You need to nip the losers in the bud is the key.

You can have 3 losses of 2-3% and one winner of 10% will get you in the black.

I think most true daytraders rack up more losses then wins ???
Your misunderstanding zip. He agrees with you.
March 2013 Trading Thread Quote
03-14-2013 , 01:45 PM
(10 spxs april 12 calls @ 2.295)

lol i hate avg down, but i guess this would be a time for this.

bought 20 spxs april 12 calls @ .75


32 spxs apriil 12 calls @ 1.33 avg ugggghhhhh

Last edited by MyrnaFTW; 03-14-2013 at 02:03 PM. Reason: somehow i have 33 contracts , wtf.. lol
March 2013 Trading Thread Quote
03-14-2013 , 02:35 PM
Wow I'm just learning how exciting/agonizing it is to wait for a small volume stock you own to trade. If someone bites I make 85% today. Problem is I need someone to bite, lol.
March 2013 Trading Thread Quote
