From Jan, 1960 to Jan, 2024, M2 grew from 298.2B to 20,751.4B, or 6.85% CAGR.
The S&P 500 (just check some charting website like tradingview, it's too big to paste the chart here hehe) went from about 59 to about 4,700 over the same period, or 7.07% CAGR.
Is it fair to say that the only reason investors actually got richer over the same period (by way more than 0.22% yearly), is that the United States has the power to "export" those dollars (and the subsequent inflation) worldwide, at least to some extent? So most of the inflationary pressure, other than during the 70s, became just asset inflation? Will the US and its investors be screwed if/when the dollar lose its reserve currency status?