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If you had 1M dollars to live off forever could it be done and how? If you had 1M dollars to live off forever could it be done and how?

03-03-2010 , 04:25 PM
Not quite.

Even if I just wanted chicken breasts at $2/each I am still spending <$40/week on meat.
If you had 1M dollars to live off forever could it be done and how? Quote
03-03-2010 , 04:25 PM
I don't want to tell you what to eat but you don't have to have meat all the time right?

Throw in some fish (if you happen to like it) and a billion variants of pasta dishes and you're set. You can throw together an entire pasta meal for a few dollars per serving.

$250-280ish per month is completely reasonable for eating well.
If you had 1M dollars to live off forever could it be done and how? Quote
03-03-2010 , 04:31 PM
You people eat like impoverished anorexics. I think I'm even lighter on protein consumption than I'd desire. (Too much potato).
If you had 1M dollars to live off forever could it be done and how? Quote
03-03-2010 , 04:33 PM
You guys are forgetting about the amazing medical advances in biotechnology/nanotechnology that will yield miracles in the next 25-50 years.

Those advances will allow humans to live VERY long lives (over 200y for sure) with good health. This is not wild speculation, this is the mainstream consensus among leading scientists and trendspotters.

The most earthshattering advances will probably be very very expensive (lets say in the $250K+ zone in todays dollars purchasing power), so if you are poor you will die, and I will work, become rich, and outlive you by hundreds of years while you play videogames and "walk in the park" for 50 cents an hour etc..

Are you guys also forgetting that there is immense satisfaction in being good at a job. Even if its not well payed.. I know several people who work as engineers and such that when they see what they have made they are very proud (imagine building a large ship, or a fighter jet) no matter how much you are payed, you feel you have advanced science or society etc. that can have the same happyness or maybe even more as having a family or a child even

think about it
If you had 1M dollars to live off forever could it be done and how? Quote
03-03-2010 , 04:35 PM
Health benefits of boiling chicken.
Americans eat about the same amount of meat as we have for some time, about eight ounces a day, roughly twice the global average.
If you had 1M dollars to live off forever could it be done and how? Quote
03-03-2010 , 04:36 PM
Originally Posted by Roger Clemens
I am lol'ing so hard at the lifestyle people are planning do have just in order not to work. Thats what I call a true BUM mentality hahaha
If you had 1M dollars to live off forever could it be done and how? Quote
03-03-2010 , 04:37 PM
Originally Posted by r3vbr
You guys are forgetting about the amazing medical advances in biotechnology/nanotechnology that will yield miracles in the next 25-50 years.

Those advances will allow humans to live VERY long lives (over 200y for sure) with good health. This is not wild speculation, this is the mainstream consensus among leading scientists and trendspotters.

The most earthshattering advances will probably be very very expensive (lets say in the $250K+ zone in todays dollars purchasing power), so if you are poor you will die, and I will work, become rich, and outlive you by hundreds of years while you play videogames and "walk in the park" for 50 cents an hour etc..

Are you guys also forgetting that there is immense satisfaction in being good at a job. Even if its not well payed.. I know several people who work as engineers and such that when they see what they have made they are very proud (imagine building a large ship, or a fighter jet) no matter how much you are payed, you feel you have advanced science or society etc. that can have the same happyness or maybe even more as having a family or a child even

think about it
When I turn 65 my Roth IRA @ $3,000/year will be worth about $1,000,000. Completely tax free withdrawals also.
If you had 1M dollars to live off forever could it be done and how? Quote
03-03-2010 , 04:38 PM
Originally Posted by r3vbr
I am lol'ing so hard at the lifestyle people are planning do have just in order not to work. Thats what I call a true BUM mentality hahaha
At least we got past the "not healthy lol" stuff.

I like eating healthy. Don't you?
If you had 1M dollars to live off forever could it be done and how? Quote
03-03-2010 , 04:44 PM
Thailand is prolly the top 3 places to spend the rest of your life in with $1million dollars.. beats most surrounding countries.... you can do this in another country.. but thats where thailand makes up for with value
If you had 1M dollars to live off forever could it be done and how? Quote
03-03-2010 , 04:47 PM
lol healthy gtfo. How much broth do you need to supply your EAA?
If you had 1M dollars to live off forever could it be done and how? Quote
03-03-2010 , 04:47 PM
US is basically giving money away if you know where to look.

Roth/traditional IRAs are a good start. Unless you are a complete fool it basically guarantees you will not outlive your estate.
If you had 1M dollars to live off forever could it be done and how? Quote
03-03-2010 , 04:48 PM
Originally Posted by Thremp
lol healthy gtfo. How much broth do you need to supply your EAA?
lol broth not healthy.
If you had 1M dollars to live off forever could it be done and how? Quote
03-03-2010 , 04:48 PM
Originally Posted by Roger Clemens
Not quite.

Even if I just wanted chicken breasts at $2/each I am still spending <$40/week on meat.
That is assuming you eat one breast and that US prices are half what they are in Canada. You also need something to go with the meat. I don't cook but I have tried to a few times and it isn't cheap. $1 here -- 60 cents there and a decent meal will add up. This is especially true when you factor in waste associated with cooking for one.

Originally Posted by Shoe Lace
$250-280ish per month is completely reasonable for eating well.
I do think meat should be a part of at least 90% of meals and I would love to see someone try to do this on $300. The few times I cook it costs about $40 for the one meal although it is for two people.

Originally Posted by r3vbr
Those advances will allow humans to live VERY long lives (over 200y for sure) with good health. This is not wild speculation, this is the mainstream consensus among leading scientists and trendspotters.
To make it simple we never touch the principle. We are talking about just living off a 3% post-tax and inflation return so how long you live won't be an issue.

Are you guys also forgetting that there is immense satisfaction in being good at a job. Even if its not well payed.. I know several people who work as engineers and such that when they see what they have made they are very proud (imagine building a large ship, or a fighter jet) no matter how much you are payed, you feel you have advanced science or society etc. that can have the same happyness or maybe even more as having a family or a child even
Yes but what if your job sucks? Most jobs do.
If you had 1M dollars to live off forever could it be done and how? Quote
03-03-2010 , 04:52 PM
I did some earlier stuff to show what I needed to make a marinade for a steak. It was several dollars of materials to do a few steaks.

Now I have someone touting the health benefits of drink salt water with jello dissolved into it. I'm sure that health has a specific meaning to him that he is projecting on everyone else. And that the article he cited in the NYT isn't ****ing ******ed. IE Health can't possibly be tied to performance/body composition goal, longevity, absence of sickness. Since some of those goals are contraindicated.
If you had 1M dollars to live off forever could it be done and how? Quote
03-03-2010 , 04:54 PM
I already showed you I can spend < $40/week and get 6 lbs. of meat/week, or almost 1 lb/day.

How much do potatoes, onions, tomatoes, garlic, pasta, spices, etc. cost? I don't think all of that adds up to over $416/month.

Typical meal:

meat serving: $3
potato dish: $1
drink: $0.50
TOTAL: $4.50

Add about $3/day of fresh fruit and I get about $12/day, which is way under $416/month.
If you had 1M dollars to live off forever could it be done and how? Quote
03-03-2010 , 04:55 PM
Originally Posted by Thremp
I did some earlier stuff to show what I needed to make a marinade for a steak. It was several dollars of materials to do a few steaks.

Now I have someone touting the health benefits of drink salt water with jello dissolved into it. I'm sure that health has a specific meaning to him that he is projecting on everyone else. And that the article he cited in the NYT isn't ****ing ******ed. IE Health can't possibly be tied to performance/body composition goal, longevity, absence of sickness. Since some of those goals are contraindicated.
I'm still trying to get over you not recognizing chicken broth is not healthy. If your position that you cannot live ok with $1,000,000 rests on the health benefits of chicken broth, then I guess your position is not much of one.

NYT wrong about 8 oz. meat consumption per person per day?
If you had 1M dollars to live off forever could it be done and how? Quote
03-03-2010 , 04:59 PM
I already explained how the meat is absurd. I don't want a large fryer. I don't want any of the component parts. A 16 ounce porterhouse is less than a pound of meat. In addition I eat more than a pound of meat per day. I don't eat $4 "choice sirloins" nor am I sure where to even acquire that.

Potatoes are lol bollocks for health. Why don't we include a wide variety of vegetables? Baby eggplants are like $5 a pound. I want some redleaf lettuce for a salad $2. What if I consume nuts? A few ounces a day is atleast a dollar or two. 50c in beverages is laughable as well. Half a gallon of milk. 3 bucks. blah blah blah.
If you had 1M dollars to live off forever could it be done and how? Quote
03-03-2010 , 05:01 PM
It really does not have anything to do with somebody who eats more meat than 95% of the population. it has to do with reasonable people who can live in a very acceptable manner. I eat about a lb. of meat a day on average, and that is probably more than 75% of the population.

And if I wanted to overspend on meat I'm sure I could do it. I just would not be stupid about it.
If you had 1M dollars to live off forever could it be done and how? Quote
03-03-2010 , 05:04 PM
I know. Fk eating tuna or shrimp that I can grill. Instead I'll buy needles and just thread those mini-shrimp that look like sea horses.

My point is that I can't even have the CHOICE of maintaining a reasonable diet to affect body composition with variety and choices that I want. God forbid I want to buy organic because I'm an eco-tard.
If you had 1M dollars to live off forever could it be done and how? Quote
03-03-2010 , 05:37 PM
And my point is that I can eat healthy, quality meals very easily with $416/month, and if it were that important to me I would use some of my discretionary spending to account for more than that if necessary (i.e. if I wanted to eat like a lion).

I don't expect to cover crack habits, compulsive gamblers', or alcoholics' budgets either. We're talking 80-90% of the populace here.
If you had 1M dollars to live off forever could it be done and how? Quote
03-03-2010 , 07:17 PM
We could move to bolivia. I read this in the travel sub forum.mid stakes grinder moved to bolivia and spend abouyt 3k per month. Hope it helps.

Apartment for 600, other bills including internet 400.

1k fixed costs

nightlife : i party a lot so this is my biggest cost: bottle of wiskey on table, drinks before, girls or gf who i pay for:2 nights a week is 300 times 4 is 1200 just for nightlife.

the other 800: nice restaurants, domestic flights, weekend in resorts,

3k is an average, i have spent more then 5k in certain months. Remember if you invite girls,(or last year my gf) you pay for them and their friends. It makes cheap country expensive. But then, i am a midstake grinder and live like a baller in Bolivia. I think my spending in the US would be equivelent to 15k a month.
If you had 1M dollars to live off forever could it be done and how? Quote
03-03-2010 , 08:13 PM
Originally Posted by r3vbr
You guys are forgetting about the amazing medical advances in biotechnology/nanotechnology that will yield miracles in the next 25-50 years.

Those advances will allow humans to live VERY long lives (over 200y for sure) with good health. This is not wild speculation, this is the mainstream consensus among leading scientists and trendspotters.

The most earthshattering advances will probably be very very expensive (lets say in the $250K+ zone in todays dollars purchasing power), so if you are poor you will die, and I will work, become rich, and outlive you by hundreds of years while you play videogames and "walk in the park" for 50 cents an hour etc..

Are you guys also forgetting that there is immense satisfaction in being good at a job. Even if its not well payed.. I know several people who work as engineers and such that when they see what they have made they are very proud (imagine building a large ship, or a fighter jet) no matter how much you are payed, you feel you have advanced science or society etc. that can have the same happyness or maybe even more as having a family or a child even

think about it
Will there be flying cars too?
If you had 1M dollars to live off forever could it be done and how? Quote
03-03-2010 , 08:43 PM
Originally Posted by Shoe
Will there be flying cars too?
no but private aircraft will be very affordable (new fuel systems and lighter materials for fuselage).
Already you have very light jets (VLJs) that are in the below U$1.5M... so it's just a matter of time until it becomes just as afordable as a luxury car is today. Check out the list of readily availible models

Also on my earlier post, i highly recomend this book for everyone (but mostly for people below the age of 65):
If you had 1M dollars to live off forever could it be done and how? Quote
03-03-2010 , 09:15 PM
Don't we have flying cars already?

There is that hovercraft from New Zealand that actually takes off at 70km/hr and flies. The car with the wings that attach to turn it into a plane. The plane with the wings that fold up making it a very ugly car. Finally the airplane that while not a car is driven like one that there was a topic on here about a year ago (if anyone remembers the name of the vehicle please let me know).
If you had 1M dollars to live off forever could it be done and how? Quote
