Originally Posted by spex x
More info?
What kind of information are you looking for?
Come to my factory. I guarantee you won't think "sweat shop."
The workers all earn *well* over minimum wage, work a standard-length workweek, get paid according to the law for their voluntary overtime when they work it, and receive paid company holidays and vacation each year.
If they save us production costs by improving the efficiency on their teams, we share the savings with them in the form of a production bonus on top of their standard hourly wage.
We sell products in the same price range as OP is looking to, we manufacture in the US, and we're profitable.
You don't have to chain garment workers to their desks, leave them without heat or air conditioning, forcing them to squint in low-light conditions for 16 hour shifts 6 days a week to be successful. Companies that do that get a lot of media attention, but are a distinct minority in the industry.