Originally Posted by darthtrader3.6
Try to do stove in VBA....That is my current project to try to get better with VBA...
You can find anything you want online...need a cool project though or you are drawing dead out of boredom...
I would take CS101 at community college over any kind of excel class.
Something like this. get stuck into a project and then google when you get stuck on specifics. Courses are a very expensive inefficient way of learning, they're only suitable for people whose firms are paying (I've sold them and given the odd advanced course). VBA (and VB) is an excellent skill, far more powerful then most poeple imagine.
Formulae are not important just look up what you need when you need it, good spreadsheet people can make them sing and dance.
[old git warning- I go back all the way to Lotus 123 version 1 running on a Sirius PC running Dos version 1 which was IBM compatible before such a thing existed. Lotus was copy protected on 8" disks back then.]