Originally Posted by Good Money
Probability that Ethereum falls to BSC at some point in the future?
If EIP-1559 doesn't get through soon...
~0%, BSC is not much different than a centralized database and IMO it's just a sleight of hand way for Binance to get around KYC, and CZ can pump his bags along the way.
Fun fact, EIP-1559 isn't going to make gas prices cheaper. It:
1) improves UX via lower variance in gas fees
2) moves a portion of the ETH paid in fees back to ETH holders instead of miners (via burning the BASEFEE, creating deflationary pressure)
This may actually make gas prices worse. The best way to lower them quickly is to raise the gas limit from 12.5MM (BSC is at 30MM, which they're able to do because all 21 validators are run by CZ. Unfortunately for them, if people continue to use the chain it's going to get very expensive and there's no emission to help cover their costs). However, there's a tradeoff wrt state growth and it's not known if a further increase in the gas limit is safe.
Peter, one of the 4 maintainers of geth, is against raising it ceteris paribus.
Originally Posted by Good Money
I don't buy that, long term, users really care about centralisation vs decentralisation. They care about what they can do with the network and right now fees on ethereum are prohibitive to everyone except whales or people comfortable using L2 solutions.
Strong disagree. Users don't care about decentralization until centralization hurts them (ala Robinhood wallstreetbets). All of the users who were here during the bear building care A LOT about decentralization and will continue to evangelize its importance to new users. It's the raison d'etre for blockchain in the first place.