Originally Posted by Hot*ShoT
If i understand it correctly 1 year from now it shouldn't be a problem with ETH2.0 taking place?
Just like PoS was 1 year from now in 2016 and every year since? When is it now, 2023?
Think we are a lot closer to just labeling it Store Of Value 2.0
It worked with Bitcoin in 2017, it was a "A purely peer-to-peer version of electronic cash" per whitepaper, the crypto Bible. After it failed spectacularly since even the biggest bitcoin fans realized paying $50 to send money is not really sticking it to evil banks, they just changed it to SoV and it worked!
"Right now ETH is really a buy and hold asset until 2.0 comes out. I’ve lost ridiculous amounts of ETH trying to get into IDOs early. With quite a few of those IDOs I’ve ended up spending more on gas fees than I received back in profit. Making most of my ventures unprofitable.
I mean what’s a 100% gain on a $100 investment when it cost more than $100 in fees on uniswap".
One of the comments from the link I posted about the fees. Buy and hold asset lol. They should just change the name to Cryptostoreofvaluety.