Originally Posted by rickroll
Something like crypto adoption, particularly doge would concentrate wealth 1000x more than it currently is and far fewer people could afford his Teslas as a result
Just look at what percentage of doge is owned by a handful of whale accounts, a few guys are making billions right now while a bunch of idiots are turning their $100 into $1k
He's just in it for the memes
So 10 accounts own about half of all dogecoins. One account owns 25B worth of dogecoin. One account! Who the f keeps 25B in dogecoin?
And why does he not get cold feet? And how do you cashout 25B? He cant just click cashout, can he? How the f is he cashing out? And what happens if he does?
Right now its tanking, I know. But everything is tanking.
I havent deboarded the ship yet completely, mainly because of this freakin whale account, (when he is leaving I am too) and because spacex is sending this thing to the moon, and they call it doge-1, lol serriously wtf? And coinbase is getting f now becuase they dont offer Doge. Does anyone know when and if coinbase is giving in?