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Coronavirus Coronavirus

10-01-2021 , 10:26 AM
Originally Posted by O.A.F.K.1.1
If event X forces me, in that I must choose, between action A and action B, then the consequences of either act are not completely divorced from the occurrence of event X.
Correct the correlation is strong.


Job loss.

Covid restrictions.

Those and so many other life factors can put people to a choice. They disrupt their lives and FORCE the people to deal with the new reality.

A certain percent take that and become very proactive. Get in shape they have not been for years, take online courses, learn a second language, and they come out the side a much improved version of themselves both physically and mentally.

a certain percent chose to do nothing and start shutting down things they did prior. They enter a negative spiral that leads to weight gain and depression.

I acknowledge point 2 DOES HAPPEN, but what I will not acknowledge is that the person had no real choice in it because as Tooth says "covid causes obesity'.

No, no it does not. He is wrong. It correlates to it for some who make those choices but that is not cause.
10-01-2021 , 11:33 AM
Cuepee what's your take on this? Just laziness and poor decision making?

People in marginalized groups are more likely to live in “food deserts” with limited access to fresh foods (Walker, R. E., et al., Health & Place, Vol. 16, No. 5, 2010). That lack of access to healthy food was even more challenging during lockdown orders. Compared with privileged groups, at-risk populations are less likely to have access to safe outdoor green space—and research has shown that the average body mass index of a community is lower in places with greater access to parks and public recreation lands (Ghimire, R., et al., Ecological Economics, Vol. 136, No. 1, 2017). Underserved groups are also more likely to work as essential workers. That puts them at greater risk of contracting COVID, but also of experiencing heightened stress as they juggled working outside the home, staying safe, and caring for family members with schools and daycares closed.
10-01-2021 , 11:43 AM
Originally Posted by de captain
Cuepee what's your take on this? Just laziness and poor decision making?
This is a serious answer since so many of you on this forum seem not to understand why there is a cliche statement "Correlation not Causation".

I honestly did not know until now so many do not understand what that means.

So if enough of you say you want it I will do an audio set up call where I can explain in depth to you and take questions to clear it up for you. (looking at you Tooth)

What you quote there is called a "correlation". A strong one. It is NOT causation.

For those who do not understand this topic (and god it is a lot here) neither covid, nor divorce, nor job loss, nor food deserts CAUSE obesity. But they can and do correlate heavily towards it.

Let me try to break it down. A common cold CAUSES phlegm build up. A common cold DOES NOT cause you to stay in bed longer and stop exercising or eating properly. It may correlate to those latter things but it does not cause them.

Sign up if you still need the call and further explanation or if you need more examples here I can provide them.

I don't mean this as condescending but i completely understand that in this subforum specifically things like this need to be explained at near a Grade 1 level.

Be honest de captain... you thought that was some kind of gotcha didn't you? I promise not to laugh if you admit the truth.
10-01-2021 , 11:50 AM
I for one think a phone call with you educating us all would be ****ing amazing. Do it.
10-01-2021 , 11:58 AM
Take away gyms from people, tell them to stay home, force many blue collar workers to stay home and do nothing. Stop people from doing organized workout activities.

Wake up 1 year later and wonder why so many of them gained weight!

But but but they had a choice!! Lockdowns didn't cause people to gain weight!!! I refuse to believe it!
10-01-2021 , 12:01 PM
Originally Posted by de captain
I for one think a phone call with you educating us all would be ****ing amazing. Do it.
Cuepee's brain damage + midwit memes ("correlation not causation guys!") + not a lot going on upstairs even before the brain damage + meth + wearing too many mask layers + mods too busy fellating homeless people for dollar bills to clean up the forum = pages of mind-vomit in the covid thread.
10-01-2021 , 12:01 PM
Comparing government mandated lockdowns to divorce.


10-01-2021 , 12:10 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
...What Covid did, ...what Divorce often does, ...what many 'changes' do, is put people to a CHOICE.

In todays society when given that choice most today choose to do nothing or less and use it as an excuse as they eat worse, exercise less and fall into depression. That depression then becomes the trigger for repeating and deepening that cycle.
Originally Posted by American Psychological Association
The pandemic hasn’t affected all Americans equally. People from marginalized groups were more likely to become infected and die from COVID-19 and were also hardest hit by the economic difficulties it wrought. Obesity was already more prevalent in lower-income populations and in non-White groups such as Black, Hispanic, and Indigenous populations. Those groups have also seen greater weight gain during the past year.
Originally Posted by American Psychological Association
Children, too, have gained weight during the pandemic. In an analysis of more than 500,000 visits to the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Care Network in 2019 and 2020, researchers found the prevalence of pediatric obesity increased from 13.7% pre-pandemic to 15.4% during the pandemic. The increase was more pronounced among Hispanic, Black, lower-income, or publicly insured children.

Originally Posted by Cuepee
...most today choose to do nothing or less and use it as an excuse...
10-01-2021 , 12:13 PM
You force a bunch of blue collar workers to stay home from government mandated lockdowns, many of them lose their jobs.

Suddenly you expect them to offset their calorie burn with running biking, something they haven't had to do before. You also take gyms away from them and organized workout activities. But it was their choice to become sedentary!

You directly force a large subset of the population into involuntary sedentary lifestyle and wonder why a lot of them gained weight. It's all their fault!

BUT prisoners that are vastly under fed and given government food didn't gain weight!

A Cuepee phone call where we gather around and listen to the village idiot making a bigger fool of himself.
10-01-2021 , 12:13 PM
Human agency does not happen in a vacuum.
10-01-2021 , 12:17 PM
"Let me try to break it down. A common cold CAUSES phlegm build up. A common cold DOES NOT cause you to stay in bed longer and stop exercising or eating properly. It may correlate to those latter things but it does not cause them."

10-01-2021 , 12:20 PM
Originally Posted by O.A.F.K.1.1
Human agency does not happen in a vacuum.
Indeed, Its far from a settled issue, but plenty of neuroscientists will tell you the choice to exercise (or not) is simply external factors triggering a set of pre determined process in the brain, one of those processes is an internal monologue in which you decide to do X or Y, even though the monologue was always going to be the monologue and the result of the monologue was already determined.

In short Humans react they rarely act.

Im not sure about that, but lets be clear, this issue is a lot more nuanced than you choose it, you caused it.
10-01-2021 , 12:33 PM
Originally Posted by de captain
I for one think a phone call with you educating us all would be ****ing amazing. Do it.
PM me your cell and I will create it.

Serious about this.

The ABC of correlation v causation are easy to explain and my god how many of you do not understand it that you thought you had a gotcha there is shameful.

Not just for this forum but for life. You must be embarrassing yourself all the time in not understanding that principle as so many things in home and work life rely on you understanding it, and I would be glad to help.
10-01-2021 , 12:36 PM
Originally Posted by ToothSayer
Cuepee's brain damage + midwit memes ("correlation not causation guys!") + not a lot going on upstairs even before the brain damage + meth + wearing too many mask layers + mods too busy fellating homeless people for dollar bills to clean up the forum = pages of mind-vomit in the covid thread.
You are literally the guy arguing COvid CAUSES obesity just like the Common cold causes phlegm and who does not see a difference.

I have bookmarked that to bring up forever and look forward to you actually studying up and watching you eventually try to pivot, backpedal away from that belief, but everyone can see crystal clear you absolutely do not understand what is causative versus correlative.
10-01-2021 , 12:38 PM
Originally Posted by de captain

OMG you still think what you are posting is a gotcha and Causative because you have no idea that those are correlations they are posting.

You literally do not know everything you post as a gotcha is a correlation and not a cause.

What else can I say when a person has accepted an absolutely wrong position and because they do not comprehend they are wrong keeps quoting it as correct when its not?
10-01-2021 , 12:40 PM
Originally Posted by Tien
"Let me try to break it down. A common cold CAUSES phlegm build up. A common cold DOES NOT cause you to stay in bed longer and stop exercising or eating properly. It may correlate to those latter things but it does not cause them."

WTF you think that when a person says 'I got the cold and have been in bed doing nothing and eating badly' that the Cold caused that?

Heh wow. This forum is hopelessly stupid.

No the cold does not cause those things. But it does correlate to them.
10-01-2021 , 12:44 PM
Congratulations mods, 1,192 posts of pure brain damaged madlibs like the above in this thread, well done not banning him early.
10-01-2021 , 01:02 PM
Divorce is an interesting one as just like divorce often correlates with Depression and negative outcomes for an individual, divorce often sees many people, in the first time in years, find fitness and self improvement again.

Some become their worst self after divorce while others become their best self.

I know, I know, mind blown right. How can both be true so many here are asking.

QP you are saying Divorce caused the people to get fat and depressed but also divorce caused other people to get fit and mentally sharp. How can that be? It's like you speak in witch craft QP. These things just don't compute for our brain.
10-01-2021 , 01:17 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee

OMG you still think what you are posting is a gotcha and Causative because you have no idea that those are correlations they are posting.

You literally do not know everything you post as a gotcha is a correlation and not a cause.

What else can I say when a person has accepted an absolutely wrong position and because they do not comprehend they are wrong keeps quoting it as correct when its not?
Just to clarify, you're sticking with the position that non-whites, and children, have faired much worse during the pandemic because they "choose to do nothing or less and use it as an excuse."
10-01-2021 , 01:29 PM
What the actual **** is this?

We've got this brain damaged loon ranting and ranting about the most dumb and boring nonsense imaginable.

This pandemic is deadly for the elderly and obese (which is what causes comorbidities). Lockdowns increase obesity. We know this because duh, but also data. Lockdowns create mental health issues. We know this because duh, and also data.

We don't know the long term impact of mental health decline but its reasonable to assume it impacts young people the most. They are being damaged during their developmental stages and have the longest to live. They are also the demographic least affected by the virus directly. In fact its no worse than a common flu for young people.

A bunch of neurotic morally upside down basket cases damaging the young to try and provide themselves, the obese, and elderly more protection

I think we need some power rankings

Dumbest poster in this thread

1. monrealcorp

2. coopee

Weirdest poster in the thread

1. coopee

2. mountroy

best looking poster in this thread

1. juan valdez

2. dream on you goblins
10-01-2021 , 01:34 PM
It's just children making poor choices.
10-01-2021 , 01:56 PM
Originally Posted by de captain
Just to clarify, you're sticking with the position that non-whites, and children, have faired much worse during the pandemic because they "choose to do nothing or less and use it as an excuse."
Wait so you are sticking to your position that white people can hurdle over the moon because they have strong legs?

Can we stop trolling and making up garbage and stick to the facts and discussions.

NO, covid does not CAUSE weight gain. That is not a side effect. It does CORRELATE, due to numerous factors with many people suffering weight gain, depression and other.

Just because you do not understand the words in that sentence does not make them wrong. What i say there is 100% accurate.
10-01-2021 , 02:04 PM
Originally Posted by de captain
It's just children making poor choices.
And once again he proves he does not understand correlation and how it can impact outcomes and instead thinks it MUST be causative.

You can't make up this level of dumb.

de captain when some gets phlegm issues from a cold that is causative. They could do nothing to change it. One triggered the other.

when one person gets in better shape during covid and another gets in worse those are correlations. There can be many reasons behind the correlations, such as closed gym, depression, food desert, more and different exercise, etc, but those are not causative impacts they are correlatives.

You will read the above and not one word will make sense to you. You will be completely blank and that will lead you to say 'but why are you blaming them for gaining weight'. But that is because you are dumb. Painfully dumb.

Obesity was a growing problem long before covid and the entirety of your arguments are 'there is no personal responsibility', 'them becoming obese is a function of them having no choice because of these other correlating factors'.

It is amazing guys like you and Tooth think this way and would argue this.

Yes those correlative aspects you keep pointing to matter. They have impact but they do not FORCE obesity on to a person. And no matter how much you argue otherwise you and Tooth are wrong on this.

I bet Tooth will abandon you soon on this and pretend this was not his position, and then what?
10-01-2021 , 02:35 PM
We know that obesity rose during the pandemic. We know that it rose at a higher rate in non-whites and children. Please tell us the cause.
10-01-2021 , 02:47 PM
Cuepee, simple question. Do you think obesity and weight levels would be more, less, or the same if there weren't forced lockdowns and shutdowns? Please just a simple answer and not a diatribe. Thanks.
