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09-12-2021 , 07:44 AM
Originally Posted by Monteroy
Sure, they can spread it, albeit likely slower if vaccinated. What the guy said about 1/1000 has nothing to do with my question, since he is not me and is not talking about what I asked about, but if bringing that up in a reply to me made you feel better then that is fine.

My point is that there is no shortage of comments about why 20 year olds should not get vaccines, but nobody posting in this thread is 20 or particularly close to 20, so even if everyone yields the 20 and under should not bother getting a shot debate - my point is there are a ton of unvaccinated 40-55 year olds, and the ones in this thread seem to think they are very young and have no need to consider a vaccine.

Now, as a fellow member of team "Let it Rip!" I am fine if they are going to choose the natural form of inoculation, though it will be annoying if they get sick and slowly croak due to how much that will cost and the drain on the medical system. I have noticed that many that are strongly pitching the 20 and under thing (when there are no 20 year olds here) are not really suggesting what the older Gen X males in this thread should do with regard to a vaccine, when there are several in that group that post regularly that have not yet chosen the vaccine. Why not talk to the people actually posting in this thread about that choice for their demographic.
Why is it relevant that there aren't 20 year olds here? Does one need to be Black to care about George Floyd?
LA County mandated the vaccine for 12-15 for school. I think that's gross and insane. Yale has 99% vaccinated, still has all kinds of restrictions and hasn't moved much off their covid avg/week.
And people itt seem to think 1/1000 <20 die from Covid. If people don't speak out against insane actions/restrictions by morons on "muh freedoms" then more and more places will have them, and I ain't ****ing doing it anymore--we are team Let it Rip.

47-55 yr old? Idk whatever.
65 from 55 35x risk ^ (but this is likely heavily comorbidity based).
They should go to or comparable and do whatever they feel comfortable with.
I'm easily top 1% health of 33yr olds and I got vaccinated because that's what I felt was best decision at the time. The average 47-55 who doesn't get vaccinated is making a poor decision. Joe Rogan? Meh whatever.
09-12-2021 , 08:13 AM
Originally Posted by TooCuriousso1
Why is it relevant that there aren't 20 year olds here?
It is relevant that many keep hammering home about the 20 an under thing (the latest of about 8 types of messaging they have used as past ones failed) when the bulk of the voluntary unvaccinated posting in this thread were 20 or under in the 1980s or 1990s. One dude here said he was very young at 47. He may as well have been holding a skateboard and saying "How do you do, fellow kids."

As I said - even if the whole 20 and under point is agreed upon, and odds are that messaging will be abandoned for something else in a couple months, why have those pitching that so hard completely ignored the Gen-Xers who are clearly in a different mathematical situation as they proudly talk about their robust immune system and huge family gatherings with they unvaccinated grannies.

I agree with you that they are making a poor decision, but notice how none of the others pushing the current 20 and under agenda have even touched that topic, even though doing so represents a direct message to people who are likely making a bad mathematical choice for themselves or their families. Now, in the end I doubt anyone in this thread cares much about the outcome of anyone else, but it is an interesting oversight as they continue to pick a narrowing demographic to discuss that is not even represented in this thread.
09-12-2021 , 09:31 AM
Originally Posted by Monteroy
It is relevant that many keep hammering home about the 20 an under thing (the latest of about 8 types of messaging they have used as past ones failed) when the bulk of the voluntary unvaccinated posting in this thread were 20 or under in the 1980s or 1990s. One dude here said he was very young at 47. He may as well have been holding a skateboard and saying "How do you do, fellow kids."
I don't need to be under 20, I have kids, as I'm sure many others do, and schools are starting to mandate the vaccine.

Our school this year has mandated it for 12+ if you want to play any sport, I imagine they will try to mandate it for everyone next year.
09-12-2021 , 10:23 AM
Actually if you read the posts of those that are pushing the 20 and under current messaging or the middle age guys who are proud of their unvaccinated state that mention it - pretty much none of them have kids nor will they ever be in a position where kids are an option, so while the point you bring up is a valid one to discuss - that is not the reason why it is brought up so far in this thread.

As to that point the reality is that in the USA and Canada the schools already require specific approved vaccines to attend, so if this one falls in that category (whether you believe it should or not) then the precedent is set to require it for participation in school activities. I do not doubt that some valid arguments can be made for and against that choice, but I would never use a thread like this as a basis for expertise in that regard as nearly all the "data" presented here is cherry picked agenda filled Twitter and Youtube content. Just read the thread during the data from Cyprus and Israel phase to get a taste of that.
09-12-2021 , 10:56 AM
Originally Posted by TooCuriousso1 or comparable and do whatever they feel comfortable with.
This is a great site to get a feel for relative risk, thanks.
09-12-2021 , 11:45 AM
Originally Posted by SimpleRick
#1 Not getting sick. #2 Eating healthy and making sure you get plenty of vitamin D, vitamin C, zinc, etc. Not that complicated. That being said I'm sure most people with a vitamin D deficiency probably also think they have a strong immune system.

I've felt sick once my entire adult life (that I recall) and I'm 35. Some people get sick every year. When I got sick I stepped in a puddle on a rainy day on my way to my car and drove for an hour no heat without drying my feet.
But not getting sick could be due to things other than one's immune system strength. Washing your hands regularly and not touching your face are probably the #1 and #2 things that prevent illness. Granted if you've only been sick once then your immune system is probably indeed functioning well but I hear that phrase enough that I think many people who use it don't know what they're talking about.
09-12-2021 , 01:03 PM
Teenage boys more at risk from vaccines than Covid
9 September 2021 • 5:30pm

Last week, the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) delivered its long-awaited verdict, saying the “margin of benefit” of jabbing 12- to 15-year-olds was “considered too small” and citing the low risk to healthy children from the virus.
Researchers found that the risk of heart complications for boys aged 12-15 following the vaccine was 162.2 per million, which was the highest out of all the groups they looked at.

Meanwhile, the risk of a healthy boy needing hospital treatment owing to Covid-19 in the next 120 days is 26.7 per million. This means the risk they face from heart complications is 6.1 times higher than that of hospitalisation.

This is based on current rates of hospitalisations from Covid-19, which are judged to be “moderate”.
Last Friday, the JCVI could only recommend that jabs among 12- to 15-year-olds be extended to include children with major heart, lung, kidney, liver and neurological conditions.
I wonder if this age relationship with myocarditis extends further down or it's something to do with kids around puberty age.

But LA country mandating it for attending school. UK doesn't even recommend it. Both are obviously very bout that sCiEnCe and stuff. Someone is wrong, who is it? Does anyone care?

Originally Posted by ToothSayer
This is a great site to get a feel for relative risk, thanks.
Np yeah I thought that calculator was pretty neat.
09-12-2021 , 01:07 PM
Nice link. I look forward from the apologies to the gaggle of idiots above who laughed at the notion than the vaccine was more harmful to the young than covid.
09-12-2021 , 01:25 PM
Originally Posted by ToothSayer
The myocarditis happens in healthy early 20s. What are the odds of dying from covid if you're healthy in your early 20s? Do we get to call that Baba Yaga odds too? Or are you not intellectually consistent?
Originally Posted by SimpleRick
Covid 19 also causes myocarditis and at a much higher rate in young people.

"Young males infected with the virus are up 6 times more likely to develop myocarditis as those who have received the vaccine."
Originally Posted by ToothSayer
Yeah for a 20 year old the odds of death by covid are about 1 in 90,000. For a healthy 20 year (no cancer, immunosuppression, heart disease, etc) it's about 1 in 500,000. Got to force them to get vaccs though.
09-12-2021 , 01:27 PM
Yesterday's Globe and Mail (Toronto), researcher sees Covid-19 origins in 2012 illnesses from batcave:
In 2012, a small group of miners in Mojiang County in Yunnan Province, China, tasked with clearing bat feces out of a cave, became very ill; some of them died. According to academic work Dewar cites, blood samples from some of the miners were sent to the Wuhan Institute of Virology.
Dewar also explores the removal of two scientists, Xiangguo Qiu and her husband, Keding Cheng, from the National Microbiology Laboratory (NML) in Winnipeg, this country’s top security lab investigating infectious disease. The couple was escorted from the lab in July, 2019 and ultimately fired – under a cloud of secrecy. While Dewar does not tie them to the origin of the pandemic, she raises red flags about why and how they ended up at the Level-4 facility in Winnipeg and who they might have been in touch with from China while working there.
"in 2012 in a place called Mojiang County in the Yunnan province of China, three miners went into a combination cave/copper mine, started clearing out bat guano, got sick. Three more came, three more got sick. In the end, three of them died. They were sick as dogs with something clearly SARS-like, in the hospital. This was so serious and so SARS-like and there are international health regulations that say if you get a SARS-like anything, you must notify the WHO. The Chinese didn’t notify anybody. Instead, they sent samples to the Wuhan Institute of Virology. They worked at it, they sent in military teams to find out what else could be found from that bat cave; what other viruses could be discovered. WIV worked with those samples and published nothing on them at all, which suggests to me that the government of China had a military interest in what happened in that mine. And that this particular pandemic may have arisen from simply the opening of a sample pulled from those miners’ lungs in which the virus may have pre-adapted itself to humans and somehow infected a lab researcher and got out into the community. That’s what I think happened. I think if we’re going to have a serious investigation, we have to be looking at the lab results and notebooks that go back to 2012 from the Wuhan Institute of Virology."
09-12-2021 , 01:27 PM
Keep in mind that many here were pitching 40 and under for a while before switching to 20 and under, and before that it was a horse paste sales meeting, and before that it was that vaccines do nothing (see this chart from Cyrprus) and before that it was that it was just a flu and before that it was all a hoax. Now the thread is filled with unvaccinated Gen-Xers who still believe at 47-55 (and likely not in the peak of health) that they are very young and at minimal risk, a point that very few seem to counter for some reason.

Guess we will see where the current 20 and under line of messaging goes, but based on the track record of those using it - all that will happen is that this current message will be replaced by new messaging in the future. After this current messaging is dropped no apologies will be forthcoming at that time, just as none were at the various stages of anti-vaxx messaging to date after they were abandoned.
09-12-2021 , 01:50 PM
Hey Cuepee, when do I get an apology for this blatant lie?

"bobby you are just factually wrong. Trump never said the second bolded part."
I'm still waiting.
09-12-2021 , 02:06 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
The study I linked was talking about <20 year olds whereass Toothsayer was talking about 12-15 year olds. Also the study I linked compared myocarditis rates from the vaccine versus myocarditis in people who had covid. There is a good chance most people won't even get covid in a year. So that 6 times higher number is comparing actual covid cases to vaccines. There's still a good debate about whether getting the vaccine for children is worth the risk.

Originally Posted by bobbyJ
Hey Cuepee, when do I get an apology for this blatant lie?

I'm still waiting.
Yeah, you could just go away Cuepee that would be fine imo. But I would just stop engaging him as he has already shown himself to be a disingenuous person. Let him go on living in his made up fantasy world.
09-12-2021 , 02:33 PM
Thanks for quoting the imbecile, Cuepee (I have him on ignore along with the other thread driftwood/losers/useless posters like Monteroy). I don't even bother debunking these morons, there's nothing going on upstairs with them. And this is just another example of why: myocarditis in infected and detected covid in 20 year olds vs myocarditis in the vaccine population are two wildly different things. Two reasons:

- We're vaccing natural immunity who are already immune.
- The odds of catching covid are <20%/year, while it seems like 2 boosters will be needed per year (200% incidence of vaccine per year)

When you add it all up you come to the same numbers as the study. But of course this is far beyond these imbeciles to ever grasp.
09-12-2021 , 02:46 PM
You certainly chose the best option when dealing with people you could not defeat in a debate. Running away is always what I suggest to people like you, because it is the correct choice. Assuming you are being honest about it - congrats on making that choice that best fits who you are in this thread.

Nice to see you bonding with someone you dismissed as a quack before, so perhaps you are trying to finally make some progress in finding at least one other poster who will follow you and what you say as you constantly abandon past failed messaging in favor of new stuff (that likely will also fail). I would ask what he has posted in the past that you agree with, but so far you have only used him as a source of comfort when needing to complain about me and others. The two of you are a good match in that regard so I wish the two of you a happy journey together.
09-12-2021 , 03:11 PM
Originally Posted by bobbyJ
Hey Cuepee, when do I get an apology for this blatant lie?

I'm still waiting.
You don't.

That was in the Tien mold and purposely so. What Tien established and no one called him on was his insistence that it does not matter if something is 100% opinion or not accurate, and you call it fact. It is great if it rustles you that it is called fact.

So sorry for you, but if you don't like it take up the Tien rule with him.
09-12-2021 , 03:23 PM

Don't worry. It doesn't bother me in the slightest. I have you on ignore anyway, because your posts are worthless.

I only unblocked you temporarily for a laugh.
09-12-2021 , 03:39 PM
Biden claims every company with over 100 employees has to lay off its unvaccinated workforce. Almost half of US adults are unvaccinated.

US equity markets shrug it off.

Do people still think these market prices have any actual basis in reality?
09-12-2021 , 04:17 PM
Chuck Todd talked about a new poll this morning which has 52% of Americans opposing the vaccine mandate.

Mandaters vs. Nonmandaters is probably a fairer assessment than vaxxers vs. antivax.
09-12-2021 , 07:21 PM
Originally Posted by de captain
Chuck Todd talked about a new poll this morning which has 52% of Americans opposing the vaccine mandate.

Mandaters vs. Nonmandaters is probably a fairer assessment than vaxxers vs. antivax.
This is from Sept 3 so things may have shifted since then, it shows a majority in favor of vaccine mandates:

The breakdown by political affiliation is pretty crazy.
09-12-2021 , 07:31 PM
Why is it crazy? It's exactly what you'd expect on a poll on members of the party of fascism/authoritarianism (Democrats) vs the party of individual liberty and choice (Republicans).
09-12-2021 , 08:16 PM
Originally Posted by de captain
Chuck Todd talked about a new poll this morning which has 52% of Americans opposing the vaccine mandate.

Mandaters vs. Nonmandaters is probably a fairer assessment than vaxxers vs. antivax.
It's too complicated for a single 'vs'

I'm totally pro vaccine. Strongly against mandates in the UK in the current situation except in special cases such as care service where I'm reluctantly in favour.

Also not at all happy with the idea of vaccinating kids unless it's in their medical interest which the case for has clearly not been made as yet.
09-12-2021 , 09:46 PM
Originally Posted by bobbyJ
Hey Cuepee, when do I get an apology for this blatant lie?

I'm still waiting.
You won't because Cuepee is a worthless poster.

I have proven him wrong maybe a dozen times and just last week he has the audacity to say he is never wrong. A man hitting nearly 60 goes on the internet to say he is never wrong, laughable. It means he is wrong all the time and is clueless about it.

A total worthless poster. Nothing is new.

It was delicious to see Cuepee expose himself as a spineless hypocrite that got blasted.

Last edited by Tien; 09-12-2021 at 09:53 PM.
09-12-2021 , 09:51 PM
Originally Posted by CrazyLond
Biden claims every company with over 100 employees has to lay off its unvaccinated workforce. Almost half of US adults are unvaccinated.

US equity markets shrug it off.

Do people still think these market prices have any actual basis in reality?
Biden has zero way of enforcing this. None. That's why corporations don't care.

There is no federal mechanism to force employers to check for vaccination levels.

And the "punishment" is near impossible to implement.
09-12-2021 , 09:58 PM
How do we calculate vaccine NNTV to prevent 1 death of a 13 year old male?
