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09-11-2021 , 03:57 AM
Will the vaccine save you from dying? First of all you have to be at risk of dying.


Data is data boys, let's hear your moronic counter arguments for forcing a vaccine on healthy people.

Keep posting the 1-off anectdotes of unhealthy people.
09-11-2021 , 04:19 AM
Originally Posted by revots33
Yes I will agree that this is typical double-speak from Fauci. He talks about "durability of protection" but we already know the vaccine protection may not be all that durable (hence the call for boosters).

I think the simple answer, but one Fauci cannot or will not say, which is that there is a vested interest in getting everyone vaccinated, and from a logistical point of view it is just much easier to mandate something for everyone, than having large categories of exceptions. Especially when testing has been so spotty that almost anyone can just say they had Covid but never got tested. Since vaccine+natural immunity is supposedly even better than natural immunity alone, the simpler approach is to just tell everyone to get it, whether they had Covid previously or not.
Sure, but you are ignoring one very important factor. People are getting injured at an alarming rate and a number are dying from these vaccines. So, forcibly vaccinating people who already have immunity is not only unethical but potentially criminal imo.
09-11-2021 , 04:31 AM
Originally Posted by BradleyT
Will the vaccine save you from dying? First of all you have to be at risk of dying.


Data is data boys, let's hear your moronic counter arguments for forcing a vaccine on healthy people.

Keep posting the 1-off anectdotes of unhealthy people.
its ok to think preventing hospitalizations is not a success.
me i do think its a success.
09-11-2021 , 07:54 AM
Originally Posted by revots33
Yes I will agree that this is typical double-speak from Fauci. He talks about "durability of protection" but we already know the vaccine protection may not be all that durable (hence the call for boosters).

I think the simple answer, but one Fauci cannot or will not say, which is that there is a vested interest in getting everyone vaccinated, and from a logistical point of view it is just much easier to mandate something for everyone, than having large categories of exceptions. Especially when testing has been so spotty that almost anyone can just say they had Covid but never got tested. Since vaccine+natural immunity is supposedly even better than natural immunity alone, the simpler approach is to just tell everyone to get it, whether they had Covid previously or not.
Making things difficult for elitists should be avoided at all costs. Condescending, obfuscating and disingenuous statements are thus acceptable from the elites.
09-11-2021 , 08:11 AM
Originally Posted by revots33
Again though I think there is an element of randomness with Covid. Some very healthy and in shape people have gotten very sick and some have died. Some very unhealthy people have gotten mild cases. I think when predicting how the immune system will react to a novel virus, a lot is still unknown.

The reaction to the vaccine is standard and just shows your immune system recognizing the spike protein and priming itself to attack the real virus if needed. Most older people have lesser reactions simply because they have weaker immune systems to begin with, so the response is less.

I do agree the side effects are unpleasant though. Hopefully you will not need boosters anyway, as the jury still seems to be out for younger people.
My healthy buddy in the Caribbean got it bad and when the Dr there found out his blood type he said "ah that's why". I've been reading the studies on the blood type thing, it's interesting. The A's and AB's are getting it worse.

My wife and I are O's, sweet.
09-11-2021 , 09:36 AM
Originally Posted by BradleyT
Will the vaccine save you from dying? First of all you have to be at risk of dying.


Data is data boys, let's hear your moronic counter arguments for forcing a vaccine on healthy people.

Keep posting the 1-off anectdotes of unhealthy people.
Lol, way to cherrypick data from Nevada where the total state population is smaller than a California city.
09-11-2021 , 11:01 AM
USA over takes UK for cumulative deaths last time It was ahead was Nov 6th 2020.
09-11-2021 , 11:07 AM
Originally Posted by Montrealcorp
Sad to hear for your family .
Seem You might be a bit more at risk , dying so young for both .
Maybe bad coincidence, who knows .

Come on man , it’s all over the plAce for stats .

Seem the rate is around 9% in us once u get covid .
Dramatically low risk below 30 (around 1.3% between 30-39)
Dramatically increase with each decades . (Jump to 15% at 50+ and keep increasing older you get )

You have an extremely poor understanding of the numbers/IFR and are a truly horrible poster.
09-11-2021 , 11:23 AM
Dont know how many 30+ year olds are posting itt but would bet money a lot of them are "medically" obese with out realising it.

It really does not take much.

Didnt we do this already?

Last edited by O.A.F.K.1.1; 09-11-2021 at 11:37 AM.
09-11-2021 , 01:36 PM
Originally Posted by BradleyT
Will the vaccine save you from dying? First of all you have to be at risk of dying.


Data is data boys, let's hear your moronic counter arguments for forcing a vaccine on healthy people.

Keep posting the 1-off anectdotes of unhealthy people.
The government is worried about healthcare overloading and healthy people giving it to unhealthy people.

Please tell me why the vaccine shouldn't be mandatory to prevent healthcare from overloading and to decrease infections as much as possible?
Vaccination is also the only way to open up the world again like it was pre-COVID, which is also a very important interest of the government.

Also, even if only 1 in 10.000 or w/e healthy people that contract it die, I think the net cost of that is still pretty huge in terms of what it costs before that person dies and the missed income of that person's lifetime.

Originally Posted by O.A.F.K.1.1
USA over takes UK for cumulative deaths last time It was ahead was Nov 6th 2020.
USA will end up 13th on worldometers list in 2021 imo, assuming there isn't a new major twist.

Originally Posted by SimpleRick
While there is certainly merit to that approach and it would be more convoluted, we could also test for antibodies, and have some dated proof of that in lieu of proof of vaccination.

It also does not inspire confidence in the vaccine or Fauci in general when he has repeatedly lied to the American public. Masks, wet market, NIH didn't fund "gain of function" research (but if we did we did it the right way), etc. It simply makes it harder to get everyone vaccinated when the face of the doctors in charge is a habitual liar. Fire Dr. Fauci imo.
Way too complicated with antibody testing. You need to understand from a public healthcare point of view, rules need to be incredibly simple.
This is why the mask rules are incredibly simple and why the vaccine will eventually be mandatory for almost everyone in countries where they don't get to 90% without it being mandatory. I think it's even likely countries with 90% voluntary vaccination will eventually make it mandatory when inevitably figures become uncomfortably high this Winter and they are looking for any lever to decrease figures.

Also expect a very simple rule basically coming down for this: For age group x-y, you need to repeat the vaccination process every z months. Any age group will have a mandatory repeat process, but the time gap in between will be different.
09-11-2021 , 01:50 PM
Originally Posted by bbfg
Also, even if only 1 in 10.000 or w/e healthy people that contract it die, I think the net cost of that is still pretty huge in terms of what it costs before that person dies and the missed income of that person's lifetime.
So you're hugely in favor of banning alcohol and mandating breathalyzers to prove zero alcohol before entering cafes and bars and long distance travel? Because that will save FAR more lives, cost and misery that the young and healthy getting covid.

Silly question, of course you aren't, because you're a kook and not a rational person doing rational cost/benefit analysis or keeping perspective.
09-11-2021 , 02:03 PM
Originally Posted by ToothSayer
So you're hugely in favor of banning alcohol and mandating breathalyzers to prove zero alcohol before entering cafes and bars and long distance travel? Because that will save FAR more lives, cost and misery that the young and healthy getting covid.

Silly question, of course you aren't, because you're a kook and not a rational person doing rational cost/benefit analysis or keeping perspective.
Banning alcohol, no. Alcohol also serves a benefit in providing people with entertainment or w/e you want to call it. Mandating breathalyzers, from a personal point-of-view I am against since it will be annoying as ****, but from a society point-of-view it seems a clear win. It'll be mandatory eventually obviously, question is whether it's 5, 10 or 20 years from now.

Also funny of you to highlight my final "extra" point to attack my position without taking into account the 2 main points. If alcohol was overloading healthcare and was contagious, it would be a very different issue.
09-11-2021 , 02:22 PM
Vaccine mandates are overloading healthcare, not the virus.
09-11-2021 , 02:37 PM
Originally Posted by OlafTheSnowman
Vaccine mandates are overloading healthcare, not the virus.
Yeah sure, all medical procedures are being postponed because we don't have enough people to stick needles in people
09-11-2021 , 02:43 PM
Drunk Driving kills about 10K a year in USA.

What are the numbers for other deaths caused by a drunk person?

2019 was actually an all time low for this type of death.
09-11-2021 , 02:49 PM
Originally Posted by bbfg
Please tell me why the vaccine shouldn't be mandatory to prevent healthcare from overloading and to decrease infections as much as possible?
This is why.

Originally Posted by bobbyJ
All these people might disagree with you.

So might this guy who just lost his 16 year old only son.

Mandating a medical procedure that injures and kills people is pure fascism. It is also against the Nuremburg code and a violation of basic human rights.

Interesting to see the straight up fascism being used by those who complained about it the most over the last 4 years. Quite ironic to say the least.
09-11-2021 , 03:13 PM
Originally Posted by bobbyJ
This is why.

Mandating a medical procedure that injures and kills people is pure fascism. It is also against the Nuremburg code and a violation of basic human rights.

Interesting to see the straight up fascism being used by those who complained about it the most over the last 4 years. Quite ironic to say the least.
Don't link t some alt news ****, if I wanted to watch that I'd go to FB.

Show me a reputable site that documents the link between the vaccine and the enlarged heart.

The idea that you think linking to that site 1000 covid stories as a good idea just shows how irrational you are. Everyone that is not a crazy anti-vaxer has learned to not pay any attention to those sites by now.

I mean, just try to think for a second you are a normal person and open that site. Is that what accurate information looks like to you?

I am fine with people hating on Fauci for his shortcomings, but hating on Fauci and then pointing to Alex Jones/Joe Rogan or **** like this as the "source of truth" just makes you look ridiculous.
09-11-2021 , 03:50 PM
09-11-2021 , 04:00 PM
Originally Posted by bbfg
Don't link t some alt news ****, if I wanted to watch that I'd go to FB.

Show me a reputable site that documents the link between the vaccine and the enlarged heart.

The idea that you think linking to that site 1000 covid stories as a good idea just shows how irrational you are. Everyone that is not a crazy anti-vaxer has learned to not pay any attention to those sites by now.

I mean, just try to think for a second you are a normal person and open that site. Is that what accurate information looks like to you?

I am fine with people hating on Fauci for his shortcomings, but hating on Fauci and then pointing to Alex Jones/Joe Rogan or **** like this as the "source of truth" just makes you look ridiculous.

09-11-2021 , 04:19 PM
Originally Posted by bobbyJ

Again here a direct quote from the site the study came from !
here is a quote :
"Preprints are preliminary reports of work that have not been certified by peer review. They should not be relied on to guide clinical practice or health-related behavior and should not be reported in news media as established information.”

What are your intent ?
Been a couple times you do this ?
U have hidden agenda or what ?

Why do you care so much that vaccine should be bad ?
Do you have the same feeling towards medication ?

Last edited by Montrealcorp; 09-11-2021 at 04:28 PM.
09-11-2021 , 04:26 PM
Myocarditis is a recognized complication of the vaccine, you dickhead.
09-11-2021 , 04:38 PM
Originally Posted by bbfg
Don't link t some alt news ****, if I wanted to watch that I'd go to FB.

Show me a reputable site that documents the link between the vaccine and the enlarged heart.
Originally Posted by bobbyJ
Myocarditis is a recognized complication of the vaccine, you dickhead.
Yeah this was big news, Pfizer has killed a number of healthy young people and made over 1000 other young people seriously ill from heart enlargement. Who knows what kind of lesser, non hospitalized/non reported/long term outcomes are going on, it's certainly many multiples of the reported ones.
09-11-2021 , 04:49 PM
Originally Posted by bbfg
Don't link t some alt news ****, if I wanted to watch that I'd go to FB.

Show me a reputable site that documents the link between the vaccine and the enlarged heart.

The idea that you think linking to that site 1000 covid stories as a good idea just shows how irrational you are. Everyone that is not a crazy anti-vaxer has learned to not pay any attention to those sites by now.

I mean, just try to think for a second you are a normal person and open that site. Is that what accurate information looks like to you?

I am fine with people hating on Fauci for his shortcomings, but hating on Fauci and then pointing to Alex Jones/Joe Rogan or **** like this as the "source of truth" just makes you look ridiculous.
Think you're wrong here, The Ivory Hecker (uncensored) is well known for being the authoritative source on all things vaccine related.
09-11-2021 , 04:59 PM
Originally Posted by bobbyJ
Myocarditis is a recognized complication of the vaccine, you dickhead.
So ?

“ The side effect is considered important but uncommon—arising in about 12.6 cases per million second doses administered. ”

You need probabilities ?
0.0000126 % risk from what your talking about or 1/73500 of having problems , with a SECOND dose …

Man , if the climate change denier were as worried with those odds, we would had the cleanest planet in the universe …..

“ “And, though rare, myocarditis can be caused by an immune response to a vaccine such as the smallpox vaccine, which was the most successful vaccine in world history.”

Oops .
Again I ask , what would be % death rates from a virus that would make 1/73000 to make it acceptable ?

“ At this point, it’s too early to tell what may be causing the recently reported myocarditis cases. As with any medical intervention, physicians and agencies—including both the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and CDC—continually monitor the use and side effects of vaccines, which is why they’re looking into these cases. ”

“ Still, doctors are reassuring patients and families. “This is an incredibly rare event,” says Dr. Asnes”

“ With myocarditis, there is often no identifiable cause. Sometimes, however, the triggering event can be a common virus. “We know some viruses are more likely to cause myocarditis,” Dr. Spatz says, such as the flu, adenovirus, parvovirus (Fifths Disease) or Coxsackie (hand, foot, and mouth disease)”

“ Doctors have observed that myocarditis sometimes follows COVID-19 infection. But “Whether the virus itself infects the heart, or whether it's the immune reaction to the virus that causes the myocarditis, is one of the things we don't know,” Dr. Lampert says.”

“ it may put minds at ease to know that cardiologists find that “in general, if the heart has a temporary inflammation, it gets better,” says Dr. Lampert. ”

Yea ok , there is risk .
The risk is incredibly less than the covid it self …..
U said yourself , a risk of complication while covid is a risk of directly dying .

It’s ok to be scared of getting hit by a lightning or from Baba Yaga I suppose .

But it still stand , are you that concern about other stuff like climate changes with those kind of odds ?
Taking the planes ?
And certainly some medications from big pharma must have much higher risk as well, selling on tv with 20 sec warnings at the end of a 1 min publicity .
Do you have problems with them as well ?

I’m just trying to put some context …

Last edited by Montrealcorp; 09-11-2021 at 05:07 PM.
09-11-2021 , 05:07 PM
Originally Posted by Montrealcorp
Oops .
Again I ask , what would be % death rates from a virus that would make 1/73000 to make it acceptable ?

It’s ok to be scared of getting hit by a lightning or from Baba Yaga I suppose .
The myocarditis happens in healthy early 20s. What are the odds of dying from covid if you're healthy in your early 20s? Do we get to call that Baba Yaga odds too? Or are you not intellectually consistent?
